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Content Vol.32 No.3 September 2005
page: - - -
Author: Editorial Board
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 483 Download:225
Structure-Property Relations in Smart Materials
page: 175 - 187
Author: R.E. Newnham*
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 559 Download:223
Review Carbon Nanotubes As Smart Materials: Basic Properties and Applications
page: 189 - 205
Author: Supapan Seraphin
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 855 Download:270
Piezoelectric Actuators 2004 ó Materials, Design, Drive/Control, Modeling and Applicationsó
page: 207 - 222
Author: Kenji Uchino
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 613 Download:239
Smart Materials and Their Application in Oceanography Automotive and Aerospace Industries
page: 223 - 228
Author: R.P . T andon
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 554 Download:229
Lead F ree and L ow T emperature Sintered (1-x)BaTiO 3 -xBa(Mg 1/3 Nb 2/3 )O 3 Ceramics.
page: 229 - 238
Author: Munpakdee A., T ontrak oon J. and T unk asiri T .
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 523 Download:217
Smart Chemical Sensors Based on Ceramic Heterocontacts
page: 239 - 244
Author: David Cann and Seymen Aygün
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 1,114 Download:150
Electric Field-Induced Intersections of 90° Domain Walls in Tetragonal Ferroelectric Crystals
page: 245 - 252
Author: Xiaoli T Tan an [a] and Jian-K Ku u Shang [b]
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 1,304 Download:152
Lead-Free Piezoelectric Ceramic Based on (Bi 1/2 Na 1/2 )TiO 3-(Bi 1/2 K1/2 )TiO 3-BaTiO 3 Solid Solution
page: 253 - 260
Author: Yuji Hiruma, Y oichi Makiuchi, Rintaro Aoyagi, Hajime Nagata and T adashi T ak enak a*
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 1,140 Download:197
Gas Sensing Properties of WO 3 Thin and Thick Films Prepared by Different T echniques
page: 261 - 266
Author: Sriyudthsak M. [a], Comini E. [b], F aglia G. [b], Wlodarski W . [c], Supothina S. [d], and Sberveg
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 672 Download:183
Characterization of a C-morph Monolithic Actuator
page: 267 - 271
Author: Li T ao*, Chen Y anhong, Ma Jan , Chen Y unzhong and He Zeming
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 665 Download:181
Electrophoretic Deposited Monomorph Actuator
page: 273 - 277
Author: Chen Y anhong*, Li T ao , and Ma Jan
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 614 Download:191
Preparation of Highly T extured PZT Thin F ilms on Novel Substrates
page: 279 - 285
Author: Cordero -Cabrer M.C.* [a], K umar R .V . [a], Evetts J.E. [a], Huehne R . [b], K ursumovic A. [a] an
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 649 Download:189
Electro/Magneto-Sensitive Elastomers and Lagrangian Electro/Magneto-Statics
page: 287 - 292
Author: Rocco V er techy [a,b] *, Vincenzo P arenti- Castelli [a] and K enneth J. W aldron [b]
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 617 Download:274
Surface Plasmon-Polariton Excitations in Microstructured Air-Metal-Dielectric Systems
page: 293 - 299
Author: Sellai A.
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 646 Download:218
Effects of Mn Concentrations on the Physical and Electrical Properties of Rhombohedral Mg-Mn doped PZT Ceramics
page: 301 - 305
Author: Cherdhirunkorn B. [a] and Hall D.A.[b]
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 613 Download:172
Effects of Starting Precursor on Phase and Microstructural Characteristics of Ferroelectric Lead Magnesium Niobate Ceramics
page: 307 - 313
Author: Suk anda Jiansirisomboon *, K amonpan P engpat and T awee T unk asiri
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 651 Download:217
Effect of Particle Size of Starting Powders on the Properties of Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3 Ceramics
page: 315 - 321
Author: Arnon Chaipanich* and T awee T unk asiri
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 636 Download:172
Effect of Sintering Conditions on Densification and Dielectric Properties of PZT Ceramics
page: 323 - 329
Author: Rungnapa Tipakontitikul*, Supon Ananta and Rattikorn Yimnirun
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 1,060 Download:168
Fabrication and Characterization of a Piezoelectric Cylinder Motor
page: 331 - 335
Author: Li T ao*, Chen Y anhong and Ma Jan
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 623 Download:162
Uniaxial Stress Dependence of Dielectric Properties of PZT and 0.95PZT-0.05BT Ceramics
page: 337 - 342
Author: Sawarin Chamunglap*, Supon Ananta and Rattikorn Yimnirun
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 607 Download:174
Dynamic Pyroelectric Properties of La-Doped PbTiO 3 Thin F ilms with V arious L a Concentrations
page: 343 - 349
Author: Yung Sup Y oon
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 607 Download:203
Hysteresis Properties of 0.1PMN-0.9PZT Ceramic Under Different Poling Fields
page: 351 - 354
Author: Supattra Wongsaenmai*, Athipong Ngamjarurojana, Rungnapa Tipakontitikul, Supon Ananta and R
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 615 Download:141
Hysteresis Properties of Lead Zirconate Titanate Ceramic Under Uniaxial Compressive Pre-Stress
page: 355 - 359
Author: Athipong Ngamjarurojana*, Supattra Wongsaenmai, Orawan Khamman, Supon Ananta and Rattikorn
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 651 Download:159
Hydrogen Sensing Properties of Pt/MoO333/SiC Based Schottky Diodes
page: 361 - 366
Author: Kandasamy S.*[a], T rinchi A. [a], Wlodarski W . [a], Comini E.[b] and Sber veglieri G.[b]
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 719 Download:196
Cost Effective Production of Porous Titanium and its Alloys by The FFC-Cambridge Process (Direct Electro-deoxidation).
page: 367 - 371
Author: R. L. Centeno Sánchez [a], G. Z. Chen [b], D. J. Fray* [a]
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 656 Download:261
Growth of Bulk KDP and DKDP Crystals
page: 373 - 377
Author: Fang C.S.*, Wang S.L., Sun X., Gu Q.T ., Li Y .P ., and Gao Z.S.
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 629 Download:204
Synthesis of Carbon Nanoparticles Using Thermal Co-pyrolysis of Ferrocene and Naphthalene Mixture
page: 379 - 383
Author: Tawatchai Charinpanitkul [a]*, Noriaki Sano [b], P ramote Puengjinda [a] +, P oonlasak Muthak arn [
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 1,126 Download:177
Synthesis of High Surface Area Tin Oxide via Sol-gel Process Using Tin Gycolate Precursor
page: 385 - 390
Author: Chabaiporn Junin [a], Methira Krissanasaeranee [a], Alexander M. Jamieson b] and Sujitra
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 701 Download:179
The Effect of Compatibilizing Agents on Mechanical Properties of Natural Rubber-Nanocomposite
page: 391 - 398
Author: Suthinee Netrabukkana and Cattaleeya Pattamaprom*
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 688 Download:205
Synthesis and Characterizations of Lead Titanate Nano-Sized Powders Prepared via a Rapid Vibro- Milling
page: 399 - 404
Author: Rewadee Wongmaneerung*, Rattikorn Yimnirun and Supon Ananta
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 1,092 Download:172
Synthesis of Silicon Carbide Nanofibers from Rice Husk
page: 405 - 409
Author: Chontira Sangsubun, Sukanda Jiansirisomboon* and Pisith Singjai
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 689 Download:200
The Uniformity of Carbon Nanotubes Synthesized by Hot Carbon-filament Enhanced CVD
page: 411 - 416
Author: Sutichai Chaisitsak*[a], Akira Y Yamada amada [b] and Mak Makoto oto K Konagai onagai [b]
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 648 Download:182
Synthesis of ZnO Nanobelts by RF Sputtering
page: 417 - 420
Author: Niyom Hongsith [a] , Supab Choopun* [a], Sornchai T anunchai [a], Torranin Chairuangsri [b
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 717 Download:190
Preparation of MoO3 Nanowhiskers
page: 421 - 425
Author: Meechai T Tapnurat apnurat [a], [b], Supab Choopun [a], Pongsri Mangkorntong [a] and Nikorn Mangkorntong* [a]
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 605 Download:200
Preparation of Carbon Nanotubes by Catalytic Decomposition of Alcohol at Low Pressure
page: 427 - 432
Author: Pisanunak Chiwsitthiprapai [a], Sutichai Chaisitsak*[a] and Pavan Siamchai [b]
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 637 Download:199
Synthesis of Silicon Carbide-Aluminium Tetroxycarbide Nanofiber from P encil R od by Current Heating T echnique
page: 433 - 438
Author: Pattamaporn Prapitpongwanich*, Kamonpan Pengpat and Pisith Singjai
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 665 Download:228
Scanning T unneling Microscope Investigations of Thin Films of Zno
page: 439 - 445
Author: Harish Bahadur [a], R.K. Sharma [a], S.B. Samanta [a], Vivekanand Bhatt [b], Prem Pal [b] and Sudh
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 678 Download:128
Magneto-Electroluminescense Studies of a Coupled Quantum Dot – Quantum Well Structure in the InAs/ InSb/GaSb System
page: 447 - 452
Author: Petchsingh etchsingh C.* [a], Shields P P. . A. [b], Bumby C. W W. . [b], Li L. J. [b], and Nicholas
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 1,490 Download:196
Urbach Energy of Hexagonal ZnO and Mg 0.05 Zn 0.95 O Thin Film Grown by RF Sputtering
page: 453 - 458
Author: Sornchai T anunchai, Sripen T owta, Nik orn Mangk orntong, P ongsri Mangk orntong and Supab
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 632 Download:237
Thermoelectric P Proper roper roperties ties of Antimony T Telluride elluride Thin Films ilms Deposited using R R..F F. . Magnetron Sputtering
page: 459 - 464
Author: Kandasamy andasamy andasamy, , S S*., ., P Pachoud, achoud, D., Holland, A., K Kalantar alantar alan
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 630 Download:258
Layered ayered InO x / Si 3N4 / 36° YX LiT LiTaO aO 3 Sur Surface face Acoustic Wave ave Based Hydrogen Sensor
page: 465 - 470
Author: Alexandru Constantin Fechete [a,b]*, Samuel James Ippolito [a,b], Wojtek Wlodarski [a,b], Kourosh K
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 643 Download:167
A Smart Hydrogel-Based System for Controlled Drug Release
page: 471 - 478
Author: Patchara Punyamoonwongsa * and Brian J. Tighe
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 656 Download:204
Novel Biodegradable Polyesters for Use as Absorbable Nerve Guides
page: 479 - 486
Author: Winita Punyodom* [a], Robert Molloy [a], Kanarat Nalampang [a], Chatchayanee Kamcharoen [a], Bu
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 692 Download:214
Effect of Biodegradable Porous Silicon (pSi) - Polymer olymer Composites on the Osteoblast In Vitro
page: 487 - 494
Author: Uracha R Rungsardthong* ungsardthong* [a,b], Susan I. Anderson [a] and L Leigh eigh T T. . Canham [c
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 659 Download:191
Preparation and Characterization of HAP-Glass Porous Composites
page: 495 - 500
Author: Charussri Lorprayoon* and Shigeki Morimoto
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 638 Download:178
Artificial Tear Formulation from Chitosan
page: 501 - 505
Author: Phuriwat L eesawat *[a], K arn V earnsilp[a], Nijaporn Y anasarn [a] and Peeracha Thanawatta
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 648 Download:274
Investigation of the Crystal Structure in Segmented Triblock L-L actide, e-Caprolactone and Glycolide Terpolymer F ibres
page: 507 - 513
Author: Wasinee Channuan [a], Jintana Siripitayananon* [a], Robert Molloy [a], Montira Sriyai [a] and Geoff
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 599 Download:209
Dynamic 2D-FTIR Spectroscopic Studies of Poly(Vinylidine Fluoride/T rifluoroethylene/Chloro trifluoroethylene), P(VDF/T rFE/CTFE) T erpolymer
page: 515 - 519
Author: Pakorn Opaprakasit [a]*, Atitsa Petchsuk [b], Paul C. Painter [c], and Sergei Malkov [c
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 638 Download:201
A Novel Sensing T echnique for Monitoring Pitting Corrosion of Stainless Steel T ype 316L
page: 521 - 527
Author: Naing Naing Aung* and Y ong- Jun T an
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 652 Download:205
Influences of Heat T reatment T emperature on Drawing Capabilities of Ti-Ni-Cu SMA Wire
page: 529 - 534
Author: Pongpan Kaewtatip* and Anak Khantachawana
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 665 Download:186
Fabrication and Luminescent Characterization for Copolymer of Polyfluorene and Anthracene Light Emitting Devices
page: 535 - 541
Author: Thitima Maturos [a], Krongk aw T apsila [a], Kriengsak Sriwichitk amol [a], Prathakon Sris
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 624 Download:214
Scanning Probe Microscope Investigation of Electrical Characteristics and Surface Morphology of Side Chain Liquid Crystalline Copolymers
page: 543 - 548
Author: Areefen R assamesard, T oemsak Srikhirin , T eerakiat K erdcharoen and T anak orn Osotchan*
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 656 Download:204
Fabrication and Characterization of High Strength Dental Porcelain Nanocomposite from Thailandís Raw Materials
page: 549 - 553
Author: Attavit Pisitanusorn*[a], Supon Ananta [a], Rattikorn Yimnirun [a] and Sakdipown Thiansem [b]
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 627 Download:189

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Chiang Mai Journal of Science

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