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Information For Contributors




   The Chiang Mai Journal of Science is an international English language peer-reviewed journal which is published in open access electronic format 6 times a year in January, March, May, July, September and November by the Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University. Manuscripts in most areas of science are welcomed except in areas such as agriculture, engineering and medical science which are outside the scope of the Journal.  Currently, we focus on manuscripts in biology, chemistry, physics, materials science and environmental science. Papers in mathematics are also included but should be of an applied nature rather than purely theoretical. Manuscripts describing experiments on humans or animals are required to provide proof that all experiments have been carried out according to the ethical regulations of the respective institutional and/or governmental authorities and this should be clearly stated in the manuscript itself.  The Editor reserves the right to reject manuscripts that fail to do so.  
   Papers which have already been published in other journals or which are under consideration by other journals should not be submitted.  Similarly, papers published here should not be submitted to other journals. Manuscripts that are suspected to involve plagiarism or other types of ethical misconduct, including but not limited to duplicate publication, multiple submission or salami slicing will also be rejected.  As from 1 January 2022, manuscripts that are submitted on or after this date and have passed successfully through peer review and been accepted will be subject to a publication fee of 350 US$ (if from overseas) or 10,000 Baht (if from within Thailand) before they can be published.   
      Special issues of the Journal can also be published by prior arrangement but are limited to not more than 2 issues per year. Requests for special issues should be addressed to the Editor for consideration. Articles for special issues, whether for conferences or otherwise, should be submitted directly via the Journal website and will be subjected to the same review procedure as for articles submitted for regular issues. At the time of submission, the name of the special issue should be clearly specified.
Manuscripts may be submitted in the form of Review Articles, Research Papers or Short Communications and must be clearly and concisely written in English.  As an approximate guide to length:
Review Articles would not normally exceed 30 pages of double-spaced A4 text, inclusive of tables, figures and references, with a maximum of 60 references.  Reviews are normally by invitation only but prospective authors are welcome to contact the Editor or appropriate Associate Editor to discuss possible contributions.
Research Papers would not normally exceed 20 pages of double-spaced A4 text, similarly all-inclusive. The number of references should not exceed 40. 
Short Communications would not normally exceed 8 pages of double-spaced A4 text, including not more than 2 tables and 2 figures and a maximum of 20 references.    
    Manuscripts that exceed these limits will be returned to the author for correspondence for editing.
      Manuscripts submitted for publication will normally consist of the following sections: Title, Authors Names and Addresses, Abstract (including Keywords), Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements (if any), Conflict of Interest Statement, and References.  For format and general style, authors should refer to current issues (see also the Journal website) as a guide.  Manuscripts that do not conform to these guidelines will be rejected at the submission stage.  Photographs, figures and line drawings should be of optimum quality.
Only references actually cited in the main text should be included in the References section and should be cited in numerical order.  Manuscripts should be typed as MSWord documents in single column format using double-spacing on A4-sized pages with justified text.  The font type should be Times New Roman with 11-point font size for the main body of the text. Any tables and figures should follow at the end of the main text and be saved in the same document file.  SI units of measurement should be used throughout.  
       It is strongly recommended that, where appropriate, the paper should be proof-read by a native English speaker, or at least someone proficient in the English language, before being submitted so as to avoid the possibility of rejection on language rather than scientific grounds. The Editor reserves the right to request proof of language editing.  
Journals :
[1] Kananthai A., J. Comp. Appl. Math., 1997; 84: 101-106. DOI 10.1007/s11274-013-1451-9.
[2] Rangseekaew P. and Pathom-aree W., Front. Microbiol., 2019; 10: 387. DOI 10.3389/fmicb.2019.00387. 
[3] Penkhrue W., Kanpiengjai A., Khanongnuch C., Masaki K., Pathom-aree W., Punyodom W., et al., Prep. Biochem. Biotechnol., 2017; 47(7): 730-738. DOI 10.1080/10826068.2017.1315597.
Texts :
[4] Clark M.S. and Wall W.J., Chromosomes: The Complex Code, 1st Edn., Chapman and Hall, London, 1996.
Chapter in an Edited Text :
[5] Pender M.P., Adoptosis in the Target Organ of an Autoimmune Disease; in Levin M. and Watters D., eds., Programmed Cell Death, Gordon and Breach, Philadelphia, 1993: 235-240.
Thesis / Dissertation :
[6] Srichuanchuenskul W., Modern Chromatography of Metal Chelates, PhD Thesis, Chiang Mai University, Thailand, 1994.
[7] Insuk C., Actinobacteria from Bryophytes and Their Ability to Produce Plant-Growth Promoters, MSc Thesis, Chiang Mai University, Thailand, 2020.
Patents :
[8] Haga T., Japan Pat. No. 50-54628 (1976).
Proceedings :
[9] Chaiwong S. and Plikomol A., Proceedings of the 1st International Conference for a Sustainable Greater Mekong Sub-Region (GMSTEC 2010), Bangkok, Thailand, 26-27 August 2010; 596-601.
DOI Reference :
[10] Mingma R., Thamchaipenet A. and Duangmal K., World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 2013; DOI 10.1007/s11274-013-1451-9.
Online document :
[11] Cartwright J., Big stars have weather too; Available at:
Journal/periodical abbreviations should follow those used by the Web of Science (
When submitting a manuscript, authors are also required to consider if there is any possible conflict of interest involved.  If there is no conflict of interest, authors should include the following statement after the Acknowledgements (if any) and before the References. 
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
      Firstly, authors should register in the Thai Editorial System at the following website before commencing manuscript submission.
Having submitted a manuscript, the system then enables the author to track the manuscript’s progress through the review procedure. When submitting, authors should provide the following 6 files:

1. A single, all-inclusive manuscript file as a Word file (i.e., including all figures, tables, schemes, etc.) prepared in the correct format of the Journal and including the names and affiliations of the authors.

2. The same manuscript file as in (1) but as a PDF file with the authors’ names and affiliations deleted and with the Acknowledgements section removed.  This is the file that will be sent to the reviewers.

3. Other supplementary data (if any)

4. Cover letter to the Editor highlighting briefly the novel aspects of the research

5. A list of 5 suggested reviewers (with names, affiliations and email addresses)

      In providing a list of suggested reviewers, this is not meant to imply that the manuscript will be sent to these reviewers.  This is simply a measure designed to avoid long delays in the event that suitable reviewers are difficult to find.  Normally, the manuscript will be refereed by 2-3 reviewers.


       Following receipt of the manuscript, it will be first screened for its suitability for the Journal by the assigned Associate Editor.  This initial screening also includes the use of ‘Turnitin’ software for plagiarism detection.  Having passed through this initial screening process, it will then be sent to a minimum of two external reviewers (double-blind system).  In the event of differences of opinion amongst the reviewers regarding the merits of the manuscript, the final decision will rest with the Editor.  The Journal will make every effort to inform the authors of its decision within 3 months after submission and, if accepted, to publish the manuscript within a further 4 months (including the time taken to make any revisions).   
Manuscripts accepted but requiring revisions must be returned to the Journal within the timeframe specified by the handling Associate Editor highlighting the changes that have been made.  
       Detailed responses to the reviewers’ comments should also be given in a covering letter. A revised manuscript returned after the deadline has expired without giving prior notice to the handling Associate Editor will be treated as a new submission. 
In the case of manuscripts considered to be unsuitable for publication, the reasons for rejection will be clearly explained. In some cases, an article submitted as a Research Paper may be recommended for acceptance as a Short Communication instead (or vice versa), especially where the work is of topical interest but is of limited scope and length.  
        Following acceptance, an electronic copy of the paper typeset as it will appear in the Journal (for final proof-reading) and a Copyright Transfer Agreement will be e-mailed to the corresponding author.  The paper (indicating any final corrections) and the signed Copyright Transfer Agreement must be returned as soon as possible.  Manuscripts will be published only after receiving the signed Copyright Transfer Agreement.  Finally, following publication, an electronic copy (PDF file) of the paper can be downloaded from the Journal website free of charge. 
        As mentioned at the end of the EDITORIAL POLICY section, in order to cover processing costs and provide open access for articles which have been accepted, the Journal now charges a publication fee of 350 US$ if sent from abroad (which also covers any bank transfer charges) or 10,000 Baht if sent from within Thailand.  An invoice will be e-mailed to the corresponding author prior to publication. This publication fee should be transferred to the bank account shown below and details of the transfer e-mailed to
Account Name : CENTER STSC-CMU
Account No. : 667-226327-6
Address :         239 Huay Kaew Rd., Amphur Muang, Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand
The Journal is covered by the following indexing services:
- Science Citation Index Expanded (also known as SciSearch®)
- Journal Citation Reports / Science Edition
- Scopus 
- Biological Abstracts
- BIOSIS Previews
- Chemical Abstracts
- SciFinder Scholar
- Zentralblatt fűr Mathematik
- MathSciNet
- Thai Citation Index (TCI)
- ASEAN Citation Index (ACI)
      The Chiang Mai Journal of Science is an open access journal.  Full papers in this and past issues are available online for download free of charge at the Journal website at:
      Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Category: Multidisciplinary Sciences
     2023 Journal Citation Reports (JCR) impact factor is 0.60, Quartile 3 
      Category: Multidisciplinary Sciences
     2023 SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) is 0.192, CiteScore 2023 is 1.0 and SNIP 2023 is 0.209 
      Personal views expressed by contributors in their articles are not necessarily those of the Chiang Mai Journal of Science or of the Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University.  

Chiang Mai Journal of Science

Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University
239 Huaykaew Road, Tumbol Suthep, Amphur Muang, Chiang Mai 50200 THAILAND
Tel: +6653-943-467

Faculty of Science,
Chiang Mai University


Copyrights © Since 2021 All Rights Reserved by Chiang Mai Journal of Science