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Guideline for Authors

Guidelines for Authors

Chiang Mai Journal of Science
Manuscript Preparation

Manuscript Title (Arial-BoldMT font type, 16-point, First Letter of Each Word Capitalized)
Wasu Pathom-aree [a], Second Author’s name [b] and the Last Author’s name*[a] (asterisk denoting the corresponding author)
[a] Department of Something, Faculty of Something, Some University, Province 99999, Country.
[b] Department of Something, Faculty of Something, Some University, Province 99999, Country.
*Author for correspondence; e-mail address:
The abstract should be concise and contain only the main findings of the research. The font type should be Times New Roman with 11-point font size.
Keywords: keyword1, keyword2, keyword3
The main body of the manuscript should consist of (but not necessarily be limited to) the following headings and sub-headings. The font type and size should also be 11-point Times New Roman.
Manuscripts should be typed as MSWord documents in single column format using double-spacing on A4-sized pages with justified text.  The font type should be Times New Roman with 11-point font size for the main body of the text. Any tables and figures should follow at the end of the main text and be saved in the same document file.  SI units of measurement should be used throughout.
2.1 Materials
2.2 Methods
Only references actually cited in the main text should be included in this section and should be cited in numerical order. The numbering format for citing references is, for example: [1], [2-4].
The format for each type of reference is as follows:
Journals :
[1] Kananthai A., J. Comp. Appl. Math., 1997; 84: 101-106. DOI 10.1007/s11274-013-1451-9.
[2] Rangseekaew P. and Pathom-aree W., Front. Microbiol., 2019; 10: 387. DOI 10.3389/fmicb.2019.00387. 
[3] Penkhrue W., Kanpiengjai A., Khanongnuch C., Masaki K., Pathom-aree W., Punyodom W. et al., Prep. Biochem. Biotechnol., 2017; 47(7): 730-738. DOI 10.1080/10826068.2017.1315597.
Texts :
[4] Clark M.S. and Wall W.J., Chromosomes: The Complex Code, 1st Edn., Chapman and Hall, London, 1996.
Chapter in an Edited Text :
[5] Pender M.P., Adoptosis in the Target Organ of an Autoimmune Disease; in Levin M. and Watters D., eds., Programmed Cell Death, Gordon and Breach, Philadelphia, 1993: 235-240.
Thesis / Dissertation :
[6] Srichuanchuenskul W., Modern Chromatography of Metal Chelates, PhD Thesis, Chiang Mai University, Thailand, 1994.
[7] Insuk C., Actinobacteria from Bryophytes and Their Ability to Produce Plant-Growth Promoters, MSc Thesis, Chiang Mai University, Thailand, 2020.
Patents :
[8] Haga T., Japan Pat. No. 50-54628 (1976).
Proceedings :
[9] Chaiwong S. and Plikomol A., Proceedings of the 1st International Conference for a Sustainable Greater Mekong Sub-Region (GMSTEC 2010), Bangkok, Thailand, 26-27 August 2010; 596-601.
DOI Reference :
[10] Mingma R., Thamchaipenet A. and Duangmal K., World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 2013; DOI 10.1007/s11274-013-1451-9.

Online document :
[11] Cartwright J., Big stars have weather too; Available at:
Journal/periodical abbreviations should follow those used by the Web of Science (

Chiang Mai Journal of Science

Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University
239 Huaykaew Road, Tumbol Suthep, Amphur Muang, Chiang Mai 50200 THAILAND
Tel: +6653-943-467

Faculty of Science,
Chiang Mai University


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