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Optimization of Surface Roughness and Tool Wear during Machining of AMMC using Taguchi Technique

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Contributed Paper
Optimization of Surface Roughness and Tool Wear during Machining of AMMC using Taguchi Technique
Srinivasan Surendran, Thirumurugaveerakumar Sundaram and Sathish Kumar P

     Metal matrix composite materials are used in several industrial applications due to its improved specific strength, capacity, good wear resistance, and high specific modulus and so on. In this work, the Aluminium alloy Al6061 is used as the matrix and 15% of volume fraction of silicon carbide is used as the reinforcing element to fabricate a MMC by stir casting process. The turning process parameters of Aluminium metal matrix composite (AMMC) considered in this work are cutting speed, feed, nozzle diameter and steam pressure and the responses surface roughness and tool wear. Taguchi technique is used in this research work to obtain optimum results and the S/N ratio is used as the quality characteristics and in this work L32 orthogonal array is used to conduct 32 experiments. It is observed that surface roughness of the AMMC is highly influenced by the nozzle diameter and it contributes to 19.87% and Tool wear of the AMMC is highly influenced by the steam pressure and it contributes to 7.12%.

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1653 - 1662
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stir casting, Taguchi Technique, surface roughness, tool wear, machining, composite
Vol.49 No.6 (November 2022)
Surendran S., Sundaram T. and P S.K., Optimization of Surface Roughness and Tool Wear during Machining of AMMC using Taguchi Technique, Chiang Mai Journal of Science, 2022; 49(6): 1653-1662. DOI 10.12982/CMJS.2022.095.
View:1,081 Download:336


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