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Effect of Wear Tests on Silicon Carbide Nanowires/Aluminium Metal Powder Composites

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Contributed Paper
Effect of Wear Tests on Silicon Carbide Nanowires/Aluminium Metal Powder Composites
ThanutJintakoso, Supreya Kumfu, Pisith Singjai and Chumphol Busabok

This  research  studies  the  effect  of wear  tests  on  silicon  carbide  nanowires (SiCNWs) / aluminium  metal  powder (Al)  composites  for  different  volume  ratios  of  SiCNWs. Composites  with  0, 5, 10 and 15%  by  volume  of  SiCNWs  were  fabricated  by a  hot  pressing  technique, using  a  temperature  of 600°C, a  pressure  of  40 MPa  and  a  duration  of  1 h. The  wear  resistance  of all nanocomposite  samples  was  investigated  using  Pin-on-Disk  Tribology. Furthermore, the  morphology  of  composite  samples  was  examined  using  scanning  electron  microscopy(SEM). SEM  micrographs  revealed  that  Al/SiCNWs  form  a  complex  structure  and  cling  between  particles  of  aluminium. The  wear  resistance  increased  with  increasing  volume  percentage  of  SiCNWs.


Start & End Page 
41 - 48
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Aluminium (Al), Silicon carbide nanowires(SiCNWs), Composites
Vol.39 No.1 (JANUARY 2012)
ThanutJintakoso , Kumfu S., Singjai P. and Busabok C., Effect of Wear Tests on Silicon Carbide Nanowires/Aluminium Metal Powder Composites, Chiang Mai Journal of Science, 2012; 39(1): 41-48.
View:662 Download:193


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