e-Journal Chiang Mai Journal of Science, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University

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Preparation of Pt/ATO Catalysts for Electrocatalysis in Direct Alcohol Fuel Cell

Paper Type 
Contributed Paper
Preparation of Pt/ATO Catalysts for Electrocatalysis in Direct Alcohol Fuel Cell
Li Fang *[a], Surin Saipanya *[b,c], Xuemei Luo [a], Xiaoping Huang [a] and Feifei Li [a]
fangli@sxu.edu.cn; surin saipanya@hotmail.co.uk
 Pt loaded on Antimony doped Tin dioxide (Pt/ATO) catalyst was successfully prepared by using ultrasonic dispersion and ethanol reduction and characterized by XRD combined with cyclic voltrammetry (CV). The comparison of catalytic performance of Pt/ATO with the catalysts Pt/C, Pt/SnO2 and Pt/(C+SnO2) for methanol and ethanol electrooxidation was studied by means of CV and chronoamperometry (CA). Comparing to the other catalysts, the catalytic activity and stability of Pt/ATO were improved significantly by doping Sb into the SnO2 crystal lattices. Moreover, the remarkable enhancement of the selectivity of Pt/ATO for CO2 production was also observed in the electrocatalytic oxidation of the ethanol.


Start & End Page 
169 - 175
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Carbon materials, Antimony doped Tin dioxide, Nanocomposites, Alcohol oxidation
Vol.43 No.1 (JANUARY 2016)
*[a] L.F., *[b S.S., C] , [a] X.L., [a] X.H. and [a] F.L., Preparation of Pt/ATO Catalysts for Electrocatalysis in Direct Alcohol Fuel Cell , Chiang Mai Journal of Science, 2016; 43(1): 169-175.
View:675 Download:188


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Chiang Mai Journal of Science

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