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LATEST ISSUE : Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018)

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Content Vol.45 No.2 March 2018
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Author: Editorial Board
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 583 Download:171
Cooperative Decomposition of Rice Straw by Co-cultivation of Cellulolytic Fungi
page: 645 - 652
Author: Jantima Arnthong, Charuwan Chuaseeharonnachai, Nattawut Boonyuen, Chakrit Tachaapaikun, Direk Chimchana, Lily Eurwilaichitr, Verawat Champreda and Duriya Chantasingh*
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 749 Download:289
Biohydrogen Production from Crude Glycerol Using Anaerobic Mixed Cultures: Media Compositions Optimization
page: 653 - 667
Author: Sureewan Sittijunda and Alissara Reungsang*
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 771 Download:265
Screening and Optimization of Squalene Production from Microalgae Aurantiochytrium sp.
page: 680 - 691
Author: Aeujkom Saengwong, Wichien Yongmanitchai and Duenrut Chonudomkul*
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 729 Download:294
Potentials of Streptomyces rochei ERY1 as an Endophytic Actinobacterium Inhibiting Damping-off Pathogenic Fungi and Growth Promoting of Cabbage Seedling
page: 692 - 700
Author: Prapaipit Suwitchayanon, Sirinapa Chaipon, Sirimas Chaichom and Kaewalin Kunasakdakul*
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 795 Download:220
Characterization of Phosphate Solubilizing Streptomyces as a Biofertilizer
page: 701 - 716
Author: Mathurot Chaiharn*, Wasu Pathom-aree, Nikhom Sujada and Saisamorn Lumyong
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 740 Download:369
Selection and Validation of Carbohydrate-utilizing Bacteria as a New Probiotic Candidate to Develop Probiotic-supplemented Thai Rice Cultivar Product
page: 717 - 730
Author: Saran Promsai*, Permpong Sriprasertsak, Sujinan Meelai, Yaowanoot Promnuan and Thapakorn Chumphon
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 1,193 Download:233
Structural Characterization and Mode of Action Studies on Salvicin K and Antimicrobial Peptide-like Bacteriocin b Peptide Isolated from Lactobacillus salivarius K4
page: 731 - 745
Author: Kannika Thongkhao, Frank D. Snnichsen, Sunee Nitisinprasert and Kiattawee Choowongkomon*
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 661 Download:232
Production of Whole-cell Lipase from Aspergillus nomius ST57 and Optimization of Methyl Esters Synthesis from Palm Oil in One Step
page: 746 - 761
Author: Naruemon Rakchai, Aran H-Kittikun* and Wolfgang Zimmermann
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 1,170 Download:195
Effect of Drying Process on the Physicochemical Properties and Biological Activities of Enzymatic Protein Hydrolysate from Shiitake Mushroom (Lentinula edodes)
page: 762 - 773
Author: Pasakawee Krittalak*, Banjongsinsiri Panida, Lekhavat Supaporn, Noojuy Nowwapan, Taksima Takunrat and Srimongkoluk Ubolwanna
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 832 Download:884
First Record of Platybaetis bishopi Mller-Liebenau, 1980 and Baetiella bispinosa (Gose, 1980) (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) from Thailand
page: 774 - 783
Author: Sirikamon Phlai-ngam and Nisarat Tungpairojwong*
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 666 Download:518
Antimicrobial Efficacy of a Combination of Crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) Leukocyte Extract and Hen Egg Lysozyme
page: 797 - 810
Author: Tinnakorn Theansungnoen, Patthana Tastub, Nisachon Jangpromma, Nualyai Yaraksa, Theeranan Temsiripong and Sompong Klaynongsruang*
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 706 Download:253
Evaluation of Long-term Administration of Aqueous Extract from Pseuderanthemum palatiferum (Nees) Radlk. Leaves on the Reproductive System of Male Albino Rats
page: 811 - 820
Author: Wararut Buncharoen, Supap Saenphet and Kanokporn Saenphet*
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 631 Download:184
Determination Using Gamma Spectroscopy of Natural Radionuclide Activity Concentrations and Annual Committed Effective Doses in Selected Thai Medicinal Plants
page: 821 - 831
Author: Kiadtisak Saenboonruang*, Endu Phonchanthuek and Kamonkhuan Prasandee
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 676 Download:243
Culm internodal Anatomy of the Tribe Oryzeae (Poaceae) in Thailand
page: 832 - 845
Author: Pirada Sumanon, Sasivimon C. Swangpol and Paweena Traiperm*
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 647 Download:242
In vitro Anti-aging Activities of Centotheca lappacea (L) desv. (Ya Repair) Extract
page: 846 - 857
Author: Thavatchai Kamoltham, Jiradej Manosroi, Charinya Chankhampan, Worapaka Manosroi and Aranya Manosroi*
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 816 Download:574
Antibacterial and Antioxidant Activities of 3-O-methyl Ellagic Acid from Stem Bark of Polyalthia longifolia Thw.
page: 858 - 867
Author: Pankaj Kumar Jain, Arjun Patra*+, Swaha Satpathy, Sonika Jain and Saleemulla Khan
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 728 Download:279
In vitro Antioxidant Evaluation of Wood Vinegars from Carbonization of Wood and Bamboo
page: 868 - 880
Author: Yongyuth Theapparat*, Chanita Ponglimanont, Ausa Chandumpai and Nikhom Laemsak
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 685 Download:292
Selective Biological Activities and Phytochemical Profiling of Two Wild Plant Species, Teucrium polium and Capsicum annum from Sheringal, Pakistan
page: 881 - 887
Author: Farman Ali, Abdul Khaliq Jan, Nasir Mehmood Khan, Rahamdad Ali, Muhammad Mukhtiar, Shahnaz Khan, Seemab Ali Khan and Riffat Aziz
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 673 Download:211
RBC Haemolysis Prevention and Antioxidant Activity of Barleria prionitis
page: 888 - 896
Author: Hemant A. Sawarkar*, Pranita P. Kashyap and Chanchal Deep Kaur
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 596 Download:270
Chemical Characterization of Polyphenols of Egyptian Achillea fragrantissima with In Vitro Antioxidant Study
page: 897 - 904
Author: Tarek F. Eissa, Elena Gonzalez-Burgos, M. Emilia Carretero and M. Pilar Gomez-Serranillos*
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 675 Download:235
Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Activities of Four Edible Species During Seed Germination
page: 905 - 916
Author: Arthitaya Kawee-ai, Pimpak Phumat, Siriporn Okonogi, Srikarnjana Klayraung and Phisit Seesuriyachan*
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 734 Download:242
New 1,3,4-thiadiazole Derivatives Endowed with Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory Activities
page: 917 - 926
Author: Ajit Kumar Pandey*, Pranita P Kashyap, Chanchal Deep Kaur, Hemant A Sawarkar, Hemant J Dhongade and Mukesh Kumar Singh
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 714 Download:209
Stability of Anthocyanin Content and Antioxidant Capacity Among Local Thai Purple Rice Genotypes in Different Storage Conditions
page: 927 - 936
Author: Supaporn Yamuangmorn, Bernard Dell, Benjavan Rerkasem and Chanakan Prom-u-thai*
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 1,201 Download:509
Effects of Three Drying Treatments on the Polyphenol Content, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Properties of Syzygium aromaticum Extract
page: 937 - 948
Author: Suat-HianTan* and Md. Rezaul Karim
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 722 Download:206
Characteristics and Flavor Retention of Structured Emulsion from Pomelo (Citrus maxima) Residue
page: 949 - 960
Author: Yot Boontongkong, Jaruwan Yaemsiri and Pawadee Methacanon*
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 708 Download:363
Applications of Oxidized Chitosan for Scale Prevention in Sugar Evaporators
page: 961 - 972
Author: Tu Phuong Pham Le and Wanwipa Siriwatwechakul*
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 700 Download:301
The Study of Activity and Selectivity of Calcium Oxide Nanocatalyst for Transesterification of High Free Fatty Acid Crude Palm Oil
page: 973 - 983
Author: Rattana Thaoklua, Jaroon Janjaroen and Karaked Tedsree*
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 674 Download:332
Synthesis Study of High Oleic Palm Oil-based Trimethylolpropane Triesters: Response Surface Methodology Based Optimization
page: 984 - 996
Author: Hamidah Abd Hamid, Robiah Yunus*, Umer Rashid, Thomas S.Y. Choong, Salmiaton Ali and Azhari Muhammad Syam
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 729 Download:481
A Facile Synthesis of Diaylureas and Their Antimicrobial Evaluation
page: 997 - 1007
Author: Sundaramoorthy Sarveswari and Vijayaparthasarathi Vijayakumar*
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 664 Download:201
Stable Phase Equilibrium of the Aqueous Quaternary System Li+, K+, Mg2+ // Borate - H2O at 323 K
page: 1008 - 1014
Author: Jiangle Zhang, Ying Zeng*, Yulin Luo and Xudong Yu
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 629 Download:251
Strategic Applications and the Challenges of Subcritical Water Extraction Technology in Food Industries
page: 1015 - 1029
Author: Erasto Mlyuka, Martha Mbifile, Shuang Zhang, Zongping Zheng and Jie Chen*
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 678 Download:462
Toluene Oxidation using K-OMS 2 Synthesized Via Hydrothermal Process by Central Composite Design
page: 1030 - 1038
Author: Jessa Marie Millanar, Mark Daniel de Luna, Aummara Yodsa-nga and Kitirote Wantala*
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 724 Download:174
Preparation of Eco-friendly and Low-cost Activated Carbon from Gracilaria corticata Seaweeds for the Removal of Crystal Violet Dye from Aqueous Solution: Equilibrium and Modeling Studies
page: 1039 - 1051
Author: Duraipandian Jayganesh, Rengasamy Tamilarasan*, Muthiyan Kumar, Mani Murugavelu and Vadivelu Sivakumar
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 1,182 Download:270
HS-SPME for the Determination of Phthalate Esters in Vegetable Oil and Soft Drink Samples
page: 1052 - 1061
Author: Sutthirak Uansiri, Jitlada Vichapong and Wanna Kanchanamayoon*
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 755 Download:228
3D-QSAR and Pharmacophore Identification of Benzothiazole Derivatives as Potent p56lck Inhibitors
page: 1062 - 1072
Author: Kanika Arora, Sukhbir Lal Khokra, Shah Alam Khan and Asif Husain*
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 696 Download:257
Topoisomerase I Inhibitory Activity and 3D QSAR Studies of Chromone Derivatives
page: 1073 - 1086
Author: Chirattikan Maicheen, Narumol Phosrithong, Jiraphun Jittikoon and Jiraporn Ungwitayatorn*
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 1,251 Download:215
Iron Reduces Iron: A Spectroelectrochemical Insight of Ligand Effect on Iron Redox Potential
page: 1087 - 1098
Author: Shabnum Bashir, Mohammad Mustafa, Syed Wasim Safvi, Nisar Ahmad Farhad and Masood Ahmad Rizvi*
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 647 Download:440
Fabrication of Porous Ceramics from Non-metallic Residue Obtained from Aluminum Recycling Plant
page: 1099 - 1110
Author: Pat Sooksaen* and Pathompong Puathawee
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 751 Download:257
Imidazole-doped Poly(styrene sulfonic acid-co-vinyl imidazole)/Polyvinyl Alcohol Blends as Proton Conducting Membranes
page: 1111 - 1121
Author: Chayanan Boonrawd, Supika Uthailerd, Thidarat Pandhumas, Chonnakarn Panawong, Sujittra Youngme and Surangkhana Martwiset
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 654 Download:278
Comparison of Sizes, Morphologies and Optical Properties of NiO Nanostructures Synthesized Using Acetate and Nitrate Anions from Nickel Salts via Hydrothermal Method
page: 1122 - 1128
Author: Pranwadee Kaewmuang, Watcharapong Pudkon, Anurak Prasatkhetragarn, Piyarat Nimmanpipug, Sila Kittiwachana, Sulawan Kaowphong*
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 681 Download:255
The improvement of the band gap energy and antibacterial activities of CeO2/ZnO nanocomposites prepared by high energy ball milling
page: 1129 - 1137
Author: Sumetha Suwanboon*, Pongsaton Amornpitoksuk and Phuwadol Bangrak
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 688 Download:261
Tight-binding simulation of core impact on structural and optical properties of InN/GaN core/shell nanocrystals
page: 1138 - 1144
Author: Worasak Sukkabot*
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 654 Download:222
MatHeuristic Approach for Production-Inventory-Distribution Routing Problem
page: 1145 - 1160
Author: Dicky Lim Teik Kyee and Noor Hasnah Moin*
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 666 Download:233
On the 3-Component Mixture of Exponential, Rayleigh and Burr Type-XII Distributions: A Simulation Study in Bayesian Framework
page: 1161 - 1180
Author: Muhammad Tahir*, Muhammad Aslam, Zawar Hussain and Akbar Ali Khan
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 683 Download:256
A New Pivot Selection Algorithm for Symmetric Indefinite Factorization Arising in Quadratic Programming with Block Constraint Matrices
page: 1181 - 1193
Author: Duangpen Jetpipattanapong* and Gun Srijuntongsiri
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 676 Download:206
Geological Delineation Using Shifted Seismic Attributes
page: 1194 - 1201
Author: Gritsadapong Leaungvongpaisan* and Pisanu Wongpornchai
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 650 Download:229

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