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Application of MeV Ion Beam Induced X-ray Emission in Elemental Analysis of Biosamples

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Contributed Paper
Application of MeV Ion Beam Induced X-ray Emission in Elemental Analysis of Biosamples
Sudarat Wongke*, Sirawut Natyanun, Liangdeng Yu*, Chaiyon Chaiwai, Paitoon Narongchai and Udomrat Tippawan

 Particle induced X-ray emission (PIXE) is a powerful ion beam analysis tool which is capable

of determining elemental species and concentrations in various materials in superior sensitivity and
resolution. PIXE analysis of biological living materials is ever an interesting and challenging topic due
to more complexity of the materials than conventional solids. In this presentation we report our homedeveloped
1.7 MV tandem accelerator based PIXE technique and its application in analysis of Thai
local biosamples to determine the elements, concentrations and even areal distributions to serve our
local research. The samples included rice grains, including ion-beam-induced mutants, human blood
and cardiac muscle cells, and plant tissues. In most analyses, traditional 2 MeV proton beam was used,
but in some particular cases, 1 MeV heavy carbon beam was also used. The elemental concentrations
were determined from the PIXE spectra using the GUPIX software with special biomaterial concerns.
In determination of the areal elemental concentration distribution, we utilized home-developed glass
capillary microbeam technique to scan the sample surface area of interest. Various results of the
particular biosamples are reported and discussed.
Start & End Page 
252 - 262
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particle induced X-ray emission (PIXE), analysis, biosamples, element, concentration
Vol.48 No.1 (January 2021)
Wongke* S., Natyanun S., Yu* L., Chaiwai C., Narongchai P. and Tippawan U., Application of MeV Ion Beam Induced X-ray Emission in Elemental Analysis of Biosamples, Chiang Mai Journal of Science, 2021; 48(1): 252-262.
View:1,162 Download:1,098


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