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Fast Preparation of White Luminescent Borosilicate Glass via Microwave Heating Technique

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Fast Preparation of White Luminescent Borosilicate Glass via Microwave Heating Technique
Rattikarn Khankrua, Pornnapha Mangthong, Narit Triamnak and Jakrapong Kaewkhao

     The aim of this work was to study the preparation of luminescent glass samples using microwave technique. Borosilicate glass powder and dysprosium oxide (Dy2O3) as the luminescent phosphor were mixed with the concentration ranging between 0.0-0.5 mol%. The glass pellets were successfully prepared via microwave heating with a power of 800 watts for 24 minutes. The samples exhibited dispersion of pores within the glass matrix which could be the origin of white translucent characteristics. The XRD results showed an amorphous structure which revealed the completely dissolution of Dy2O3 within the samples. The luminescence properties of the samples were tested via photoluminescence spectrometer, revealing that the glass doped with dysprosium emitted white light with the maximum emission occurring at a wavelength of 576 nm. The CIE chromacity characteristics confirmed the white emission of the glass samples. In addition, it was found that the decay time of the luminescent glass decreased with an increase in the concentration of the luminescent phosphor. This may be caused by the energy transfer of electrons through cross relaxation.

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glass, luminescent phosphor, dysprosium oxide, luminescent glass, microwave
Vol.51 No.6 (November 2024)
Khankrua R., Mangthong P., Triamnak N. and Kaewkhao J., Fast Preparation of White Luminescent Borosilicate Glass via Microwave Heating Technique, Chiang Mai Journal of Science, 2024; 51(6): e2024104. DOI 10.12982/CMJS.2024.104.
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