e-Journal Chiang Mai Journal of Science, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University

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Effects of Varieties, Heat Pretreatment and UHT Conditions on the Sugarcane Juice Quality

Paper Type 
Contributed Paper
Effects of Varieties, Heat Pretreatment and UHT Conditions on the Sugarcane Juice Quality
Weerachet Jittanit, Somsak Wiriyaputtipong, Hathainid Charoenpornworanam, and Sirichai Songsermpong
In this work, the effects of sugarcane varieties, heat pretreatment methods and UHT conditions on the quality of sugarcane juice were investigated. The aim was to attain the background information that is useful for the production of  high quality UHT sugarcane juice. The experimental results indicated that the sugarcane Suphan Buri 50 variety is more suitable for juice production than Singapore variety in aspects of total solid and consumer preference. Furthermore, it appeared that both the microwave heating for 5 minutes by frequency 2,450 MHz at 850 W and the blanching sugarcane in hot water at 80oC for 5 minutes could inactivate the peroxidase enzyme at the comparable level. Nevertheless, the blanching was preferred due to its ease of  control, lower energy and equipment cost. In addition, if F0 > 4 is demanded, the UHT sterilization at 140oC and holding for 4 seconds could maintain the sugarcane flavors and provide the more favorable juice than those of 135oC for 10 seconds.
Start & End Page 
116 - 125
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Full Text 
sugarcane juice, blanching, microwave, UHT, sterilization
Vol.38 No.1 (JANUARY 2011)
Jittanit W., Wiriyaputtipong S., Charoenpornworanam H., and Songsermpong S., Effects of Varieties, Heat Pretreatment and UHT Conditions on the Sugarcane Juice Quality, Chiang Mai Journal of Science, 2011; 38(1): 116-125.
View:626 Download:304


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Chiang Mai Journal of Science

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