e-Journal Chiang Mai Journal of Science, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University

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Permeable Blocks with Waste Glass as Coarse Aggregate

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Contributed Paper
Permeable Blocks with Waste Glass as Coarse Aggregate
Jenjinta Punyasurb, Suthee Wattanasiriwech and Darunee Wattanasiriwech

     In order to reduce the negative impact of waste glass and urban heat on the environment, this research aims to use waste glass cullet as an aggregate in concrete paving blocks. This work aims to produce porous pavement using two sizes of waste glass and ordinary Portland cement (OPC). Two layers of paving blocks with different aggregate sizes were planned. The first part of the work was to determine the best OPC content. The results showed that the largest aggregate-based porous paving block had the highest compressive strength and acceptable permeability. Then, designed porous block (DPB) was designed, which consisted of two layers, with the upper layer consisting of small aggregates and the lower layer consisting of large aggregates, and cement mortar (80 wt% cement powder and 20 wt% glass powder) was used as the binder. Compressive strength and permeability were the criteria. The pavement can release heat better than conventional pavements and is safe because of the skid resistance, which meets the criteria.

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waste glass, porous pavement, permeability, compressive strength, alkali silica reaction
Vol.50 No.6 (November 2023)
Punyasurb J., Wattanasiriwech S. and Wattanasiriwech D., Permeable Blocks with Waste Glass as Coarse Aggregate, Chiang Mai Journal of Science, 2023; 50(6): e2023062. DOI 10.12982/CMJS.2023.062.
View:481 Download:408


Phase formations, Compressive Strength and Microstructure of Environmentally Friendly Thai Lopburi Calcined Clay-Limestone Cement Mixes
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Chiang Mai Journal of Science

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