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Physical Properties and Microstructure of a Fe-Ni-Co Alloy Prepared by Sintering Metal Powders Under Nitrogen Gas Atmosphere

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Contributed Paper
Physical Properties and Microstructure of a Fe-Ni-Co Alloy Prepared by Sintering Metal Powders Under Nitrogen Gas Atmosphere
Sirisak Seansukato and Torranin Chairuangsri*
 A route for preparing the Fe-Ni-Co alloy was studied. The mixed powders was compressed and sintered under nitrogen gas atmosphere. The mixing composition of metal powders was 54 wt%Fe, 29 wt%Ni and 17 wt%Co. A single-action compression was applied together with a double press-double sinter (P2S2) process. Cooling of specimens was performed by quenching in ice water. Apparent density of 92% of the full density could be obtained. The microhardness of prepared alloy was in the range of 110-144 HV. Detail of microstructure compared with the commercial alloy were given.
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17 - 25
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Fe-Ni-Co alloy, sintering, physical properties, microstructure
Vol.31 No.1 (JANUARY 2004)
Seansukato S. and Chairuangsri* T., Physical Properties and Microstructure of a Fe-Ni-Co Alloy Prepared by Sintering Metal Powders Under Nitrogen Gas Atmosphere, Chiang Mai Journal of Science, 2004; 31(1): 17-25.
View:654 Download:229


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Effect of Injection Moulding Sequences on Mechanical Properties of Two-material Metal Injection Moulding
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Quantitative Phase Analysis and Crystal Structure of DyBCO Ceramics Prepared at Diferent Sintering Conditions
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Vol.45 No.4 (July 2018) View: 653 Download:218
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Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 751 Download:257
Characteristics and Flavor Retention of Structured Emulsion from Pomelo (Citrus maxima) Residue
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Vol.39 No.4 (OCTOBER 2012) View: 625 Download:247
Effect of carburizing via current heating technique on the near-surface microstructure of AISI 1020 steel
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Adhesion of Borosilicate Glass and Fe-Ni-Co Alloy Joined by Direct Fusion
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A Microscopical Investigation of the Interface Between Borosilicate Glass and Fe-Ni-Co Alloy Joined by Direct Fusion of Glass to Metal
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