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Phase Formation, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of ZrO2 Modified-Dental Porcelain Ceramics

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Contributed Paper
Phase Formation, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of ZrO2 Modified-Dental Porcelain Ceramics
Attavit Pisitanusorn, Rattikorn Yimnirun and Supon Ananta

               The  potential  of  a  combination  between  single-step  sintering  and  ZrO2  additive  as  a  simple ceramic  fabrication  method  to  obtain  dental  porcelain-based  ceramic-nanocomposites  with  good  mechanical  properties  was  demonstrated. Influences  of  sintering  condition  on  phase  formation, densification, microstructure  and  mechanical  properties  of  these  porcelain  ceramics  were  examined  via  XRD, SEM-EDX  and  Vickers  indentation. It  has  been  found  that  the  choice  of  both  sintering  temperature  and  dwell  time  is  one  of  the  key factors  controlling  densification  and  leucite  crystallization  on  the  zirconia  surface  in  dental  porcelain  ceramics.

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590 - 600
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dental porcelain ceramics, leucite, sintering, strength
Vol.38 No.4 (OCTOBER 2011)
Pisitanusorn A., Yimnirun R. and Ananta S., Phase Formation, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of ZrO2 Modified-Dental Porcelain Ceramics, Chiang Mai Journal of Science, 2011; 38(4): 590-600.
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