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Characteristics of BNZ Ceramic Prepared by Using Bismuth Oxide as Sintering AID

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Contributed Paper
Characteristics of BNZ Ceramic Prepared by Using Bismuth Oxide as Sintering AID
Panupong Jaiban,Ampika Rachakom, Sukanda Jiansirisomboon and Anucha Watcharapasorn

In  this  study, characteristics  of  (Bi0.5Na0.5)ZrO3  ceramic  by  using  bismuth  oxide  as  a  sintering  aid  at  appropriate  sintering  temperature  were  investigated. Phase  characteristic  of  BNZ  powder  was  checked  by  X-ray  diffraction  technique. It  was  found  that  BNZ  powder  has orthorhombically  distorted  perovskite  (ABO3)  structure. After  that, BNZ/ᵪBi2O3  powders  with  = 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5  and  2  wt%  were  pressed  and  sintered  at  900°C  for  2  h. Their  X-ray  diffraction  patterns  revealed  that  all  produced  a  single phase  perovskite  phase. Microdtructure  was  investigated  by  scanning  electron  microscopy. It  could  be  seen  that  un-modified  BNZ  ceramic  composed  a  minimum relative  density  value. However, its  microstructure  evolution  and  relative  densities were  enhanced  with  increasing  of  Bi2O3 content.

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527 - 532
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lead-free ceramic, BNZ ceramic, XRD, sintering aids, fabrication
Vol.38 No.4 (OCTOBER 2011)
Jaiban P., Rachakom A., Jiansirisomboon S. and Watcharapasorn A., Characteristics of BNZ Ceramic Prepared by Using Bismuth Oxide as Sintering AID, Chiang Mai Journal of Science, 2011; 38(4): 527-532.
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