e-Journal Chiang Mai Journal of Science, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University

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A Novel Method to Produce Silver Foams with Multilevel Porosities

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Contributed Paper
A Novel Method to Produce Silver Foams with Multilevel Porosities
Seksak Asavavisithchai, Ekasit Nisaratanaporn, and Yuttanant Boonyongmaneerat
Open-cell silver foams exhibiting a hierarchical pore system have been successfully produced through a novel powder-based replication approach which combines the uses of a space-holder and a chemical reduction process. The architecture of the foams is comprised of struts with high surface area, macropores, and micropores, which are respectively produced through partial reduction of silver salt, removal of the space-holder, and elimination of the remaining silver salt cores.
Start & End Page 
296 - 301
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silver, metallic foam, powder technology, porosity, microstructure
Vol.36 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2009)
Asavavisithchai S., Nisaratanaporn E., and Boonyongmaneerat Y., A Novel Method to Produce Silver Foams with Multilevel Porosities, Chiang Mai Journal of Science, 2009; 36(3): 296-301.
View:686 Download:193


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