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Species Composition and Functional Uses of Trees Outside Forests in Chittagong Region, Bangladesh

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Contributed Paper
Species Composition and Functional Uses of Trees Outside Forests in Chittagong Region, Bangladesh
Mohammad Alamgir, Md. Danesh Miah* and Sarder M.S. Haque
       To ascertain the tree species composition and their functional uses in the homesteads, a sample survey was conducted in voutside forests of Chittagong region, Bangladeh. Due to the over utilization, the natural forests in Chittagong region are being degraded severely day by day, and it seems to be unprotectable. So, the alternative sources of forest products should be identified and analyzed. To determine how much the growing stlock of tree species can supplement the forestry needs, the present study was undertaken. Sixty tree species were recorded growing outside forests in Chittagong  Region, Bangladesh. The number of multipurpose, timber, fruit, fuel wood, ornamental, medicine and fodder tree species were 32, 31, 24, 22, 14, 7 and 3, respectively. The number of tree species used solely for fruit, timber, fuel wood, ornamental and medicine were 10, 7, 6, 2 and 2, respectively. Occurrence of Mangifera indica (Am) as fruit tree (96%) and Swietenia macrophylla (Mehegoni) as timber and ornamental tree (80%) was the highest in homesteads. No single tree species was used as folder tree alone in the study area. Occurrences of all the tree species under different uses with species composition are also presented in this paper. The study shows an effective production system of tree species outside forests in Chittagong region of Bangladesh. It suggests some more research activities to find out the detail production and its effects on environment. The findings of the study may be necessary for the policy makers of the forestry development in Bangladesh. However, the findings proves proves the hypothesis of the study.
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63 - 63
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tree species, fruit, timber, fuelwood, fodder , ornamental, medicine, homestead
Vol.31 No.1 (JANUARY 2004)
Alamgir M., Miah* M.D. and Haque S.M., Species Composition and Functional Uses of Trees Outside Forests in Chittagong Region, Bangladesh, Chiang Mai Journal of Science, 2004; 31(1): 63-63.
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