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Identification and Nutritional Value of Live Feeds for Ornamental Fish from Bangkok Metropolitan Markets in Thailand

Paper Type 
Contributed Paper
Identification and Nutritional Value of Live Feeds for Ornamental Fish from Bangkok Metropolitan Markets in Thailand
Supenya Chittapun* [a], Darawan Ruamkuson [b] and Mariena Ketudat-Cairns* [b,c]
supenyac@tu.ac.th; ketudat@sut.ac.th

The production of suitable and highly nutritional fish feed is important for the aquarium ornamental fish industry. In this study, the biochemical compositions of four common live feeds from ornamental fish markets in the Bangkok metropolitan area were examined. The highest energy and protein contents in feed were found in aquatic worms (57.42 Kcal

100 g
-1 and 59.13%, respectively), followed by brine shrimp (25.56 Kcal100 g-1 and 25.25%), blood worms (23.80 Kcal100 g-1 and 26.06%) and freshwater fleas (21.52 Kcal100 g-1 and 26.88%). The highest amount of astaxanthin per gram of sample was found in brine shrimp (170.22 ngg-1), followed by aquatic worms (10.90 ngg-1), freshwater fleas (8.34 ngg-1), and blood worms (5.11 ngg-1). The species present in these four live feeds were next identified both morphologically and molecularly. Partial sequences of the cytochrome c oxidase I (COXI) gene were used for the molecular identification of the four live feeds. The freshwater fleas, brine shrimp and blood worms were identified as Moina macrocopa, Artemia franciscana and Chironomus circumdatus, respectively, by both morphology and COXI gene sequence analysis. COXI sequence analysis identified the aquatic worm as Branchiura sowerbyi, while morphological analysis identified the same worm as Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri. To resolve this discrepancy, 18S rDNA was used, conclusively identifying the organism as L. hoffmeisteri, consistent with its morphology.
Start & End Page 
364 - 375
Received Date 
Revised Date 
Accepted Date 
Full Text 
live feed identification, nutritional composition, COXI gene, ornamental fish
Vol.40 No.3 (JULY 2013)
[a] S..C., [b] D..R., [b M..K. and C] , Identification and Nutritional Value of Live Feeds for Ornamental Fish from Bangkok Metropolitan Markets in Thailand, Chiang Mai Journal of Science, 2013; 40(3): 364-375.
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