e-Journal Chiang Mai Journal of Science, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University

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Feasible Use of Electrical Conductivity for Optimizing Polymer Dosage and Mixing Time Requirement in Sludge Conditioning

Paper Type 
Contributed Paper
Feasible Use of Electrical Conductivity for Optimizing Polymer Dosage and Mixing Time Requirement in Sludge Conditioning
Tongchai Sriwiriyarat, Kreethaphon Siriphrom, Nut Kaewpanao, and Anucha Puansuchjar
The feasible use of electrical conductivity was evaluated in this study for optimizing polymer dosage and mixing time required in the municipal biological wastewater treatment plant sludge conditioning process. The electrical conductivity could be adopted as a key indicator because it is a low cost device with acceptable accuracy and is available in any laboratory. The cationic polymer concentrations of 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 kg polymer/ton of dry sludge were applied on the 1% solids at different mixing time of 60 minutes. The centrate viscosity was used to determine the optimal dosage of polymer for the sake of comparison to the results obtained from the electrical conductivity. It was found that the electrical conductivity exhibited a similar trend to the kinematic viscosity and provided the same optimal polymer dosage of 4 kg polymer/ton of dry solids. The mixing time requirement for conditioning sludge with polymer monitored by the electrical conductivity at a 5 minute- interval was longer than 55 minutes at the mixing intensity of 120 rpm. The electrical conductivity profiles suggest that sufficient mixing time resulting in the homogenous mixture be provided, so that the optimal polymer dosage could be clearly identified.
Start & End Page 
82 - 88
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Electrical Conductivity, Centrate, Viscosity, Polymer, Sludge Conditioning
Vol.35 No.1 (JANUARY 2008)
Sriwiriyarat T., Siriphrom K., Kaewpanao N., and Puansuchjar A., Feasible Use of Electrical Conductivity for Optimizing Polymer Dosage and Mixing Time Requirement in Sludge Conditioning, Chiang Mai Journal of Science, 2008; 35(1): 82-88.
View:628 Download:207


Enhancing Wood Adhesive Strength of PVAc by Blending with Natural Rubber Latex
Article ID: e2024105
Author:Tasneem Jehleah and Abedeen Dasesamoh
Vol.51 No.6 (November 2024) View: 265 Download:121
Microscopy Investigation of Streblus asper Lour. Leaves-derived SiO2/C with Polypyrrole Nanocomposites as Sustainable Anode Materials for Lithium-ion Batteries
Article ID: e2024099
Author:Kittiched Khunpakdee, Thanapat Autthawong, Natthakan Ratsameetammajak and Thapanee Sarakonsri
Vol.51 No.6 (November 2024) View: 315 Download:115
Geopolymer Paving Blocks Made From Fly Ash and Bagasse Ash Under Different Curing Conditions
Article ID: e2024041
Author:Rattapon Somna, Prachoom Khamput and Kiatsuda Somna
Vol.51 No.3 (May 2024) View: 1,249 Download:333
Advancing Sustainable Solutions: Exploring United Atom Model for Efficient Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Poly-ethylene Vanillic (PEV) Polymer
Article ID: e2024013
Author:Mattanun Sangkhawasi, Tawun Remsungnen, Chonnikan Hanpaibool, Rungtiva P. Poo-arporn, Alisa S. Vangnai and Thanyada Rungrotmongkol
Vol.51 No.2 (March 2024) View: 1,335 Download:673
Extraction and Characterization of β-Glucan from Kombucha Bacterial Cellulose and Concentrated Kombucha: Evaluating their Bile Acid Binding Capacity
Article ID: e2023033
Author:Sonthirat Charoenrak, Mamoru Wakayama, Suporn Charumanee, Panee Sirisa-ard, Sittisin Bovonsombut, Suwalee Kiatkarun, Thararat Chitov and Sakunnee Bovonsombut
Vol.50 No.3 (May 2023) View: 725 Download:504
The Study of Ranong Metakaolin-Based Porous Geopolymers as Insulating Materials for Construction
page: 176 - 186
Author:Pimpun Henpraserttae, Sitthisuntorn Supothina and Patthamaporn Timakul
Vol.49 No.1 (Special Issue I : Jan 2022) View: 1,251 Download:313
Investigation of the Initiating and Catalytic Behavior of Tri-n-butyltin(IV) n-Butoxide in Ring-Opening Polymerization of ε-Caprolactone and Transesterification of Poly(L-lactic acid)
page: 27 - 38
Author:Winita Punyodom, Puttinan Meepowpan, Boontharika Thapsukhon, Manita Dumklang and Wanich Limwanich
Vol.49 No.1 (Special Issue I : Jan 2022) View: 1,374 Download:322
Strengthening Geopolymer with Selective Sizes of Concrete Block Waste
page: 1657 - 1678
Author:Parinya Somrang, Anucha Wannagon, Pattarawan Choeycharoen, and Watcharee Sornlar
Vol.48 No.6 (November 2021) View: 1,443 Download:394
Kinetic and Mechanistic Studies of Bulk Copolymerization of L-lactide and Glycolide Initiated by Liquid Tin(II) n-Butoxide
page: 489 - 505
Author:Tawan Chaiwon, Montira Sriyai, Puttinan Meepowpan, Robert Molloy, Kanarat Nalampang, Narin Kaabbuathong and Winita Punyodom*
Vol.48 No.2 (March 2021) View: 713 Download:411
Ring-Opening Polymerization of ε-Caprolactone Using Soluble Tin(II) n-Butoxide-L-Lactide Macroinitiators
page: 312 - 322
Author:Manita Dumklang*, Wanich Limwanich, Sawarot Phetsuk, Puttinan Meepowpan and Winita Punyodom
Vol.48 No.2 (March 2021) View: 793 Download:398
Tin(II) n-Hexoxide as New Initiator for the Ring-Opening Polymerization of ε-Caprolactone: Isoconversional Kinetics Analysis by Non-Isothermal DSC
page: 276 - 291
Author:Boontharika Thapsukhon*, Wanich Limwanich, Puttinan Meepowpan and Winita Punyodom
Vol.48 No.2 (March 2021) View: 802 Download:568
Effect of Different Crosslinking Agents on Properties of Dual Modified Starch Biodegradable Films Prepared by Crosslinked-Oxidized Method
page: 1216 - 1229
Author:Yossathorn Tanetrungroj and Jutarat Prachayawarakorn*
Vol.47 No.6 (November 2020) View: 736 Download:995
Physical and Mechanical Properties of Diatomite/Metakaolin-based Geopolymer for Construction Materials
page: 786 - 795
Author:Suwanan Thammarong, Narumon Lertcumfu, Pharatree Jaita, Nuttaporn Pimpha, Tawee Tunkasiri, Gobwute Rujijanagul and Pruchya Malasri
Vol.47 No.4 (Special Issue II : July 2020) View: 730 Download:470
Influence of Choice of Curing Method on the Dielectric, Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Geopolymer Mortar-Natural Rubber Latex (GM-NRL) Blends
page: 567 - 579
Author:Saysunee Jumrat, Yutthapong Pianroj and Seppo Karrila
Vol.47 No.3 (May 2020) View: 723 Download:331
Innovation of Green Chemistry for Synthesizing Nanoporous and Microporous Aluminosilicate via Microemulsion Technique
page: 473 - 483
Author:Parichat Iam-khong, Pailin Muchan, Nimit Sriprang and Manit Nithitanakul
Vol.47 No.3 (May 2020) View: 1,002 Download:581
Superior Properties and Structural Analysis of Geopolymer Synthesized from Red Clay
page: 1234 - 1248
Author:Pattarawan Choeycharoen*, Watcharee Sornlar, Witaya Shongkittikul and Anucha Wannagon
Vol.46 No.6 (November 2019) View: 953 Download:386
Poly(L-lactide)-Degrading Enzyme from Laceyella sacchari LP175: Cloning, Sequencing, Expression, Characterization and Its Hydrolysis of Poly(L-lactide) Polymer
page: 417 - 430
Author:Thanasak Lomthong, Marie Guicherd, Gianluca Cioci, Sophie Duquesne, Alain Marty, Saisamorn Lumyong and Vichien Kitpreechavanich
Vol.46 No.3 (May 2019) View: 717 Download:381
Preparation and Characterization of Core-shell Magnetite Nanoparticles-polycaprolactone, Core-shell Natural Rubber- polycaprolactone for Toughness Enhancement of Poly(Lactic Acid)
page: 337 - 352
Author:Warangkhana Phromma and Rathanawan Magaraphan*
Vol.46 No.2 (March 2019) View: 618 Download:208
Electrical and Thermal Transport Properties of Dysprosium Barium Copper Oxide Ceramic
page: 2809 - 2816
Author:Paitoon Boonsong, Pimpilai Wannasut, Suwapitcha Buntham, Ampika Rachakom, Chakrit Sriprachuabwong, Adisorn Tuantranont and Anucha Watcharapasorn
Vol.45 NO.7 (November 2018) View: 871 Download:409
Synthesis of Poly(rac-lactide) Using Tri-n-Butyltin(IV) n-Butoxide as Initiator: The Investigation on Stereochemistry and Polymerization Mechanism
page: 2069 - 2078
Author:Wanich Limwanich, Puttinan Meepowpan, Nawee Kungwan and Winita Punyodom
Vol.45 No.5 (Special 2018) View: 770 Download:352
Imidazole-doped Poly(styrene sulfonic acid-co-vinyl imidazole)/Polyvinyl Alcohol Blends as Proton Conducting Membranes
page: 1111 - 1121
Author:Chayanan Boonrawd, Supika Uthailerd, Thidarat Pandhumas, Chonnakarn Panawong, Sujittra Youngme and Surangkhana Martwiset
Vol.45 No.2 (March 2018) View: 653 Download:278
Synthesis of Cationic Polymer Coated Magnetite Nanoparticles Based on Poly(maleic anhydride-alt-1-octadecene)
page: 1487 - 1496
Author:Ong-art Thanetnit and Supawan Tantayanon*
Vol.44 No.4 (October 2017) View: 795 Download:275
Physicochemical and Microbial Characteristics of Anaerobic Granule Nuclei Developed by Cationic Polymer Additions under Syntroph Specific Substrate
page: 102 - 114
Author:Nasrul Hudayah, Benjaphon Suraraksa and Pawinee Chaiprasert*
Vol.44 No.1 (JANUARY 2017) View: 633 Download:320
Electropolymerization and Properties of Poly (3-anilinethiophene) Thin Film
page: 863 - 869
Author:Saengrawee Sriwichai*[a,b], Paphawadee Netsuwan [c], Sukon Phanichphant [b] and Akira Baba [d]
Vol.43 No.4 (JULY 2016) View: 644 Download:383
Interfacial Transition Zone of Pervious Cement and Geopolymer Concrete Containing Crushed Clay Brick
page: 402 - 408
Author:Vanchai Sata [a], Ampol Wongsa [a], Kiatsuda Somna*[b], and Prinya Chindaprasirt [a]
Vol.43 No.2 (SPECIAL ISSUE 1) View: 669 Download:273
Kinetics Studies of Non-Isothermal Melt Crystallization of Poly(ε-caprolactone) and Poly(L-lactide)
page: 329 - 338
Author:Wanich Limwanich [a], Sawarot Phetsuk [b], Puttinan Meepowpan [b], Nawee Kungwan [b], Winita Punyodom*[b]
Vol.43 No.2 (SPECIAL ISSUE 1) View: 752 Download:256
Effect of Pectin Contents on Properties of Biodegradable Thermoplastic Mung Bean Starch/low-density Polyethylene Blends Using Injection Molding Technique
page: 215 - 225
Author:Jutarat Prachayawarakorn*[a,b] and Luxana Hommanee [a]
Vol.43 No.1 (JANUARY 2016) View: 679 Download:246
Pluronic® P123/TPGS and Pluronic® F127/TPGS Mixed Micelles for the Entrapment of Itraconazole
page: 946 - 956
Author:Thawanrat Mingkwan, Jiraphong Suksiriworapong and Doungdaw Chantasart
Vol.42 No.4 (OCTOBER 2015) View: 735 Download:216
Poly(oligoethylene Glycol Methacrylate): A Promising Electrolyte Polymer
page: 868 - 876
Author:Imee A. Saladaga, Siranya Janthasit, Mark Daniel G. de Luna, Nurak Grisdanurak, Sukr
Vol.42 No.4 (OCTOBER 2015) View: 612 Download:208
Influence of Discontinuous PureSperm® and OptiPrepTM Gradient Centrifugations on Bovine Sperm Quality and the Sex Ratio of in vitro Produced Embryos
page: 637 - 649
Author:Kakanang Buranaamnuay, Parisatcha Sangsuwan, Chinarat Changsangfa, Tassanee Faisaikarm
Vol.42 No.3 (JULY 2015) View: 626 Download:239
Emulsions stabilized by chitosan/lithium dodecyl sulfate complexes
page: 393 - 400
Author:Thammasit Vongsetskul, Kewalin Phaenthong, Ratana Chanthateyanonth, Panya Sunintaboon and Pramuan T
Vol.42 No.2 (APRIL 2015) View: 10,759 Download:321
Plasma Assisted Immobilization of TiO2 nanoparticles onto PLA Surface to Promote the Antimicrobial Activity
page: 1361 - 1374
Author:Chonlada Theerakarunwong*[a], Somruthai Tunma[b] and Dheerawan Boonyawan[c]
Vol.41 No.5/2 (OCTOBER 2014) View: 613 Download:202
Study of In-situ Hybrid Composites of Poly(ethylene terephthalate)/Liquid Crystalline Polymer Filled with Microwave-synthesized Zinc Oxide Powder
page: 1317 - 1331
Author:Penwisa Pisitsak*, and Rathanawan Magaraphan
Vol.41 No.5/2 (OCTOBER 2014) View: 650 Download:195
Kinetic Studies of the Photopolymerisation of Acrylamide in Aqueous Solution: Effects of Bromoformas a Chain Transfer Agent
page: 1352 - 1360
Author:Kamonchanok Thananukul[a], Juraiporn Porkaew [b], Patchara Punyamoonwongsa [a], Robert Molloy*[b,c]
Vol.41 No.5/2 (OCTOBER 2014) View: 770 Download:245
Synthesis and room temperature magnetic behavior of nickel oxide nanocrystallites
page: 99 - 108
Author:Kwanruthai Wongsaprom1*and Santi Maensiri 2
Vol.40 No.1 (JANUARY 2013) View: 649 Download:190
Polymer-Peptide Conjugate Hydrogels; Towards Controlled Drug Delivery
page: 351 - 372
Author:Arun A. Sohdi, Darren Campbell andPaul D. Topham*
Vol.39 No.3 (JULY 2012) View: 634 Download:259
Effect of Relative Humidity on MechanicalProperties of Blended Chitosan-Methylcellulose Film
page: 133 - 137
Author:Pornchai Rachtanapun and Panchat Wongchaiya
Vol.39 No.1 (JANUARY 2012) View: 700 Download:143
Preparation and Characterization of PET-PLA Copolyester from Waste PET and Lactic Acid (LA)
page: 619 - 624
Author:Achanai Buasri, Nattawut Chaiyut, Tanit Jenjaka, Sasirada Weerasunthorn and Sureerat Juengrun
Vol.38 No.4 (OCTOBER 2011) View: 632 Download:281
Electrospinning of Light-emitting Fibers from a Tertiary Blend Solution of an Inert Polymer and Two Conjugated Polymers
page: 193 - 209
Author:Sutheerat Changsarn [a,b], James D. Mendez [c], Christoph Weder*[c], Toemsak Srikhirin [d], and Pit
Vol.38 No.2 (APRIL 2011) View: 684 Download:202
Polymerizability of Lactones Calculated by Molecular Mechanics, Semiempirical and Density Functional Theory Methods
page: 55 - 63
Author:Putarat Nimmanpipug, Ancalee Junkaew, Jitrayut Jitonnom and Vannjan Sanghiran Lee
Vol.34 No.1 (JANUARY 2007) View: 679 Download:217
Design and Preparation of AMPS-Based Hydrogels for Biomedical Use as Wound Dressings
page: 183 - 189
Author:Kanarat Nalampang, Nantarat Suebsanit, Chinanat Witthayaprapakorn, and Robert Molloy
Vol.34 No.2 (MAY 2007) View: 717 Download:233
Synthesis of Poly(9,9-dialkylfluorene-2,7-vinylene) (PFV) via Gilch Polymerization
page: 301 - 308
Author:Piched Anuragudom [a], Teerapol Wongchanapiboon [a], T. Randall Lee [b] and Sukon Phanichphant *[a]
Vol.33 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2006) View: 693 Download:427
The Rheological Behavior of Kaolin Suspensions
page: 271 - 281
Author:Apinon Nuntiya* and Sitthisak Prasanphan
Vol.33 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2006) View: 712 Download:203
Scanning Probe Microscope Investigation of Electrical Characteristics and Surface Morphology of Side Chain Liquid Crystalline Copolymers
page: 543 - 548
Author:Areefen R assamesard, T oemsak Srikhirin , T eerakiat K erdcharoen and T anak orn Osotchan*
Vol.32 No.3 (SEPTEMBER 2005) View: 656 Download:204
Dynamic 2D-FTIR Spectroscopic Studies of Poly(Vinylidine Fluoride/T rifluoroethylene/Chloro trifluoroethylene), P(VDF/T rFE/CTFE) T erpolymer
page: 515 - 519
Author:Pakorn Opaprakasit [a]*, Atitsa Petchsuk [b], Paul C. Painter [c], and Sergei Malkov [c
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Novel Tin(II) Butoxides for Use as Initiators in the Ring-Opening Polymerisation of ε-Caprolactone
page: 136 - 148
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Ceria Fibers Via Electrospinning Process: The Effect of Co-Solvent
page: 85 - 91
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Vol.37 No.1 (JANUARY 2010) View: 645 Download:222
Mango Tree Bark as Bioindicator for Air Pollution Monitoring in Chiang Mai City
page: 183 - 188
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Vol.29 No.3 (DECEMBER 2002) View: 726 Download:138
Nanocrystalline Hydroxyapatite Powders by a Polymerized Complex Method
page: 243 - 251
Author:Jutharatana Klinkaewnarong, and Santi Maensiri
Vol.37 No.2 (MAY 2010) View: 643 Download:206

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