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CFPG: Creating a Common Fungal Pathogenic Genes Database through Data Mining

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Contributed Paper
CFPG: Creating a Common Fungal Pathogenic Genes Database through Data Mining
Kenneth Lee Shean Tan and Saharuddin Bin Mohamad

     Fungal pathogenicity is one of the most vigorously tackled ecological and medicinal issues facing many scientists. Comparative genomics is an extremely important methodology and tool used to understand fungal pathogenicity, and it allows the development of early diagnostic tools for fungal-inflicted diseases across different host organisms. However, comparative genomics depends heavily on readily available fungal pathogenic gene databases to enable downstream genomics study and the development of new diagnosis and detection methods. Here, we have developed the Common Fungal Pathogenic Genes Database through comparative genomic analysis using 86 publicly available fungal genomic data against fungal pathogenicity-related databases, such as Pathogenic-Host Interaction Database (PHI-base), Carbohydrate-Active enZymes Database (CAZy), and Database of Fungal Virulence Factory (DFVF).

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comparative genomics, pathogenic fungi, bioinformatics, data mining, open source, database
Vol.51 No.3 (May 2024)
Tan K.L.S. and Mohamad S.B., CFPG: Creating a Common Fungal Pathogenic Genes Database through Data Mining, Chiang Mai Journal of Science, 2024; 51(3): e2024038. DOI 10.12982/CMJS.2024.038.
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