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The sidA Gene of Aureobasidium thailandense and its Phylogenetic Relationship among those of Aureobasidium Species

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Contributed Paper
The sidA Gene of Aureobasidium thailandense and its Phylogenetic Relationship among those of Aureobasidium Species
Vorawat Kitiyanant, Chompoonik Kanchanabanca, Hunsa Punnapayak, Anchittha Satjarak, Pongtharin Lotrakul* and Sehanat Prasongsuk*
Sehanat.P@chula.ac.th, Pongtharin.L@chula.ac.th

 The full length sequence of the sidA gene coding for L-ornithine-N5-monooxygenase, the

key enzyme in the siderophore biosynthetic pathway, from Aureobasidium thailandense NRRL 58539 was
assembled from gDNA and cDNA. Its open reading frame was 1,458 bp long and encoded a protein
consisting of 485 amino acid residues with a calculated mass at 55.2 kDa and isoelectric point at 7.34.
The deduced protein contained K_oxygenase, FADPNR, and FAD/NAD(P)-binding domains and
also three possible N-linked glycosylation sites. When A. thailandense NRRL 58539 sidA and its deduced
protein were compared with those of Aureobasidium pullulans species complex, the nucleotide and amino
acid sequence identities were found at 72–77% and 77–85%, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis of
sidA using maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference placed the A. thailandense on a distinct clade
from other Aureobasidium species. The low pairwise dN/dS ratios suggested that the sidA gene was
subjected to a strong purifying selection, which was likely due to the pressure of function preservation.
In addition, the sidA gene showed great potential as a supplemental locus for phylogenetic analysis of
the black yeasts in the genus Aureobasidium.
Start & End Page 
13 - 26
Received Date 
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Full Text 
Aureobasidium thailandense, L-ornithine-N5-monooxygenase, sidA, Siderophore
Vol.48 No.1 (January 2021)
Kitiyanant V., Kanchanabanca C., Punnapayak H., Satjarak A., Lotrakul* P. and Prasongsuk* S., The sidA Gene of Aureobasidium thailandense and its Phylogenetic Relationship among those of Aureobasidium Species, Chiang Mai Journal of Science, 2021; 48(1): 13-26.
View:789 Download:508


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