e-Journal Chiang Mai Journal of Science, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University

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Thermodynamics Study of Natural Indigo Adsorption on Silk Yarn

Paper Type 
Short Communication
Thermodynamics Study of Natural Indigo Adsorption on Silk Yarn
Paisan Kongkachuichay, Aroonsiri Shitangkoon, and Sakowrath Hirunkitmonkon
Leaves of  Indigofera tinctoria were fermented in water. During fermentation, indican in leaves decomposed completely to indoxyl and was consecutively oxidized to indigo that finally precipitated from the fermented solution.  The hybrid-race silk yarn was then dyed till equilibrium with obtained indigo reduced by Na2S2O4 under alkaline condition and thermodynamics of  dyeing process was investigated. The obtained adsorption isotherm was classified as a Langmuir type.  The apparent diffusion coefficients at 33, 40 and 50oC are 1.23x10-12, 8.26x10-13 and 4.26x10-13 m2s-1, respectively.  The heat of  adsorption and the change of  entropy are -9.43 kcalmol-1 and 0.023 kcalmol-1 K-1, respectively.  In addition, the saturated dye uptake was found to be decreased when the dyeing temperature was increased. The obtained results are useful for designing appropriate dyeing equipment and conditions for dyeing silk with natural indigo.
Start & End Page 
363 - 367
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adsorption isotherm, natural indigo, silk dyeing, heat of adsorption, diffusion
Vol.37 No.2 (MAY 2010)
Kongkachuichay P., Shitangkoon A., and Hirunkitmonkon S., Thermodynamics Study of Natural Indigo Adsorption on Silk Yarn, Chiang Mai Journal of Science, 2010; 37(2): 363-367.
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Chiang Mai Journal of Science

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