e-Journal Chiang Mai Journal of Science, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University

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Effect of Admixing Ni and Cu P owders on P roper ty of Sintered 316L Alloy

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Contributed Paper
Effect of Admixing Ni and Cu P owders on P roper ty of Sintered 316L Alloy
Nattaya T osangthum*, Ornmanee Coovattanachai, R ungtip Krataitong, Monnapas Morak otjinda,
The 316L stainless steel powder was admixed with elemental Ni and Cu powders. The amounts of Ni and Cu powders, with particle sizes of less than 32 µm, were varied from 0 to 10 wt.%. The admixed powders were compacted into tensile test bars with green density of 6.58 g/cm3 Sintering of the compacted test bars was carried out in pure hydrogen at 1300 °C . for 45 minutes. It was observed that increasing Ni content in the 316L+Ni alloys resulted in improved tensile properties. In contrast, addition of Cu to the 316L+Ni alloys yielded inferior mechanical properties, compared to the 316L+Ni alloys. The Cu powders tended to compensate shrinkage regardless the amounts of Ni powders used for admixing.
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45 - 52
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316L stainless steel, powder admixing, property
Vol.33 No.1 (JANUARY 2006)
Osangthum* N..T., Coovattanachai O.., Krataitong R.U.., Otjinda M..M. and , Effect of Admixing Ni and Cu P owders on P roper ty of Sintered 316L Alloy, Chiang Mai Journal of Science, 2006; 33(1): 45-52.
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