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Response to Magnetic Field-Induced Stress on the Demographics and anti-ROS Activity of Aphid Macrosiphum rosae L. (Hemiptera:Aphididae)

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Contributed Paper
Response to Magnetic Field-Induced Stress on the Demographics and anti-ROS Activity of Aphid Macrosiphum rosae L. (Hemiptera:Aphididae)
Juan He, Jiarui Liu, Meiqi Cheng, Jingyu Sun, Wei Chen and Weidong Pan

 Magnetic field plays an essential role for many species, including the migratory pest aphid. Our previous study investigated the long-term exposure of static magnetic fields on the growth development and productivity of the aphid Macrosiphum rosae, however, it is necessary to expand the knowledge of short-term exposure on the insects for a wider spectrum of magnetic field radiation. To achieve this, aphid nymphs were exposed to four magnetic field of induction at 0.065T, 0.1T, 0.176T and 0.28T for 4min under laboratory conditions. The results showed that the short-term magnetic radiation significantly prelonged the four instar development while shortened the first, second and third instar period. 0.28 T radiations caused significantly difference in the parameters of TPOP, adult longevity and total longevity (3.2d, 7.07d, and 8.82d, compared with the control of 4.94d, 8.06d, and 10.23d, respectively). Population parameter of r was 0.057d-1 with 0.28 T compared with the control of 0.150 d-1. The SOD, CAT and POD activity increased more than 30% in static magnetic fields compared with the controls. Our study presents a feasible evidence showing the growth development change as a representative disturbing symptom for short-term exposure to magnetic fields, and the static magnetic field applied being capable of modifying the fitness components and antioxidant defense in aphids.

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aphid, magnetic field, Macrosiphum rosae, growth development, antioxidant enzyme, insect
Vol.50 No.1 (January 2023)
He J., Liu J., Cheng M., Sun J., Chen W. and Pan W., Response to Magnetic Field-Induced Stress on the Demographics and anti-ROS Activity of Aphid Macrosiphum rosae L. (Hemiptera:Aphididae), Chiang Mai Journal of Science, 2023; 50(1): e2023001. DOI 10.12982/CMJS.2023.001.
View:1,334 Download:687


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Chiang Mai Journal of Science

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