e-Journal Chiang Mai Journal of Science, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University

Journal Volumes


and Author: Anucha Watcharapasorn       (Result: 12 Manuscripts)
Effect of Calcination Condition on Phase Formation Characteristics of NdBa2Cu3Oy Powder Prepared by Solidstate Reaction
page: 654 - 664
Author: Paitoon Boonsong, Pimpilai Wannasut and Anucha Watcharapasorn*
Vol.47 No.4 (Special Issue II : July 2020) View: 800 Download:1,050
Effects of Mg and La Co-doping on Dielectric, Ferroelectric, and Piezoelectric Properties of Barium Calcium Zirconate Titanate Ceramics
page: 633 - 641
Author: Panupong Jaiban*, Pimpilai Wannasut, Puripat Kantha, Methee Promsawat and Anucha Watcharapasorn
Vol.47 No.4 (Special Issue II : July 2020) View: 750 Download:1,234
Visible and Ultraviolet Light Absorption of CuO-doped Fe Alloy Coatings Prepared by HVOF Thermal SprayTechnique
page: 580 - 587
Author: Panupong Jaiban, Pimpilai Wannasut and Anucha Watcharapasorn
Vol.47 No.3 (May 2020) View: 684 Download:364
Dielectric, Ferroelectric and Piezoelectric Properties of (Ba0.7Ca0.3)1-x/2Ti1-xFexO3-x Ceramics
page: 2817 - 2825
Author: Pimpilai Wannasut, Nuttapon Pisitpipathsin, Anucha Watcharapasorn and Panupong Jaiban
Vol.45 NO.7 (November 2018) View: 757 Download:531
Electrical and Thermal Transport Properties of Dysprosium Barium Copper Oxide Ceramic
page: 2809 - 2816
Author: Paitoon Boonsong, Pimpilai Wannasut, Suwapitcha Buntham, Ampika Rachakom, Chakrit Sriprachuabwong, Adisorn Tuantranont and Anucha Watcharapasorn
Vol.45 NO.7 (November 2018) View: 869 Download:408
Effects of Cobalt Dopant on Microstructure and Electrical Properties of Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3 Ceramics
page: 2481 - 2490
Author: Suwapitcha Buntham, Paitoon Boonsong, Panupong Jaiban, Nittaya Keawprak and Anucha Watcharapasorn
Vol.45 No.6 (September 2018) View: 682 Download:291
Effects of Sintering Temperature on Physical Properties, Phase, Microstructure and Oxygen Stoichiometry of Nay CoO2 Ceramics
page: 2015 - 2020
Author: Pimpilai Wannasut, Paitoon Boonsong, Poom Prayoonphokkharat, Nittaya Kaewprak and Anucha Watcharapasorn
Vol.45 No.5 (Special 2018) View: 643 Download:316
Quantitative Phase Analysis and Crystal Structure of DyBCO Ceramics Prepared at Diferent Sintering Conditions
page: 1835 - 1842
Author: Paitoon Boonsong, Pimpilai Wannasut, Ampika Rachakorn and Anucha Watcharapasorn
Vol.45 No.4 (July 2018) View: 651 Download:218
Preparation of Bilayer YBa2Cu3O7-x -NayCoO2 Thermoelectric Ceramic by Solid-state Sintering Method
page: 1543 - 1548
Author: Pimpilai Wannasut, Nittaya Keawprak and Anucha Watcharapasorn
Vol.45 No.3 (May 2018) View: 732 Download:319
Characteristics of BNZ Ceramic Prepared by Using Bismuth Oxide as Sintering AID
page: 527 - 532
Author: Panupong Jaiban,Ampika Rachakom, Sukanda Jiansirisomboon and Anucha Watcharapasorn
Vol.38 No.4 (OCTOBER 2011) View: 1,087 Download:206
Effects of Al2O3 Nano-Particulates Addition on Barium Titanate Ceramics
page: 175 - 182
Author: Sukanda Jiansirisomboon*, Anucha Watcharapasorn and Tawee Tunkasiri
Vol.33 No.2 (MAY 2006) View: 696 Download:181
Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Zirconium-Doped Bismuth Sodium Titanate Ceramics
page: 169 - 173
Author: Anucha Watcharapasorn*, Sukanda Jiansirisomboon and Tawee Tunkasiri
Vol.33 No.2 (MAY 2006) View: 657 Download:169

Chiang Mai Journal of Science

Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University
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Chiang Mai University


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