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Identifying Groundwater Recharge Sources and Mechanisms using Hydrochemistry and Environmental Stable Isotopes in High Arsenic Holocene Aquifers of Bangladesh

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Identifying Groundwater Recharge Sources and Mechanisms using Hydrochemistry and Environmental Stable Isotopes in High Arsenic Holocene Aquifers of Bangladesh
Md. Enamul Huq, David Lopez-Carr, Fahad Almutlaq, Xijun Wu and Jiang Wu

     Understanding the sources and mechanisms of aquifer recharge is critical for water resource management. So far, this is the first comprehensive study to explore the sources and mechanisms of groundwater recharge applying stable environmental isotopes and hydrogeochemical properties in Southwestern Bangladesh. Water samples from the different sources (groundwater, surface (pond), river and rain water) of high arsenic (As) Holocene aquifers were used to investigate the chemical tracers and environmental stable isotopes (δ18O and δ2H) to explore the hydrogeological features, groundwater recharge sources, mechanisms and processes. The analytical results showed high As concentration in water samples observed 590.7 μg/L. High As groundwater was identified by a low pH value, medium HCO3- and TDS with low concentration of NO3- and SO42-. However, depleted δ2H and δ18O signatures indicated that local vertical rainfall is the key source to recharge groundwater in study area. The recharge process from pond seepage and irrigation return flow also contribute in groundwater recharge. Isotopic signatures suggested the vertical connectivity amongst the aquifers and significant vertical recharge. The reduced heavier isotope reveals extra recharging from floods of mountains and high altitude. Due to the heterogeneous and anisotropic structure of the aquifer system the spatial variability of δ2H and δ18O shows limited lateral connectivity. The combined analyses of δ2H isotope and Cl- ion showed that evaporation is the primary cause for groundwater discharge. Based on the spatial and vertical recharge processes of groundwater, present study provides a crucial baseline knowledge for establishing a sustainable groundwater management strategy. The findings from this study can guide the development of targeted groundwater management strategies and improvement of understanding the groundwater recharge sources and processes.

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groundwater recharge, mechanisms, isotope, high arsenic, geochemistry
Vol.51 No.5 (September 2024)
Huq M.E., Lopez-Carr D., Almutlaq F., Wu X. and Wu J., Identifying Groundwater Recharge Sources and Mechanisms using Hydrochemistry and Environmental Stable Isotopes in High Arsenic Holocene Aquifers of Bangladesh, Chiang Mai Journal of Science, 2024; 51(5): e2024067. DOI 10.12982/CMJS.2024.067.
View:1,092 Download:302


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