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Comparative Analysis of the Mitochondrial DNA of Wild Varieties and Domesticated Pleurotus citrinopileatus

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Contributed Paper
Comparative Analysis of the Mitochondrial DNA of Wild Varieties and Domesticated Pleurotus citrinopileatus
Yi Zhou, Tiantian Wang and Jize Xu

     In this study, the mitochondrial DNA of wild and domesticated Pleurotus citrinopileatus varieties were sequenced, assembled, and compared. The three mitochondrial DNA of 4681-0, 4681-1, and 4681-2 comprised circular DNA molecules, with the size of 60,331 bp, 60,661 bp and 60,661 bp, respectively. All mitochondrial DNA of the three contained 2 ribosomal RNA genes (rRNAs) and 24 transfer RNA genes (tRNAs). Both 4681-1 and 4681-2 had 17 standard protein-encoding genes, which was higher than 4681-0. Both 4681-0 and 4681-2 had 7 open reading frames, which was less than 4681-1. Among mitochondrial DNA of three varieties, we found gene and intron gain/loss events. By performing a comparative analysis of mitochondrial DNA of three varieties, we identifi ed gene rearrangements between 4681-0, 4681-1 and 4681-2. Predictions of the single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and RNA editing sites of mitochondrial DNA of three varieties, revealed a feasibility of molecular labeling and gene editing at the mRNA level of P. citrinopileatus. We proposed that mitochondrial DNA, which plays an important role in biological oxidation, is changed to adapt different environments during the domestication of wild species of P. citrinopileatus. We promit an evolutionary strategie of domestication of P. citrinopileatus, aiming to provide some molecular-level theoretical foundations for factory cultivation and genetic breeding of P. citrinopileatus.

Start & End Page 
701 - 717
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Full Text 
Pleurotus, mitochondrial DNA, evolution, RNA editing sites
Vol.49 No.3 (Special Issue II : May 2022)
Zhou Y., Wang T. and Xu J., Comparative Analysis of the Mitochondrial DNA of Wild Varieties and Domesticated Pleurotus citrinopileatus, Chiang Mai Journal of Science, 2022; 49(3): 701-717. DOI 10.12982/CMJS.2022.055.
View:1,364 Download:322


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