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Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Swamp Forest Eleiodoxa conferta (Griff.) Burr. Based on Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs)

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Contributed Paper
Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Swamp Forest Eleiodoxa conferta (Griff.) Burr. Based on Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs)
Kesara Jakpim, Parichart Nilwichian, Potjamarn Suraninpong and Duangkhaetita Kanjanasopa*
 Eleiodoxa conferta (Griff.) Burr. (family Arecaceae) is widely distributed in peat swamp forests
throughout the tropical zone in Thailand. In this study, genetic diversity within and among 4 natural
populations of E. conferta (Griff.) Burr. sampled from three provinces in southern peninsular Thailand
was determined using SSR analysis. Our results show a low level of genetic diversity (Ar 1.743, He 0.423,
and Ne 1.793). Most of the locus populations were in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) but the
14-locus population of E. conferta had departures from HWE; however, the inbreeding coefficient (Fis)
indicated no inbreeding in this population. The genetic differentiation between groups was strong (mean
Fst 0.171) so each group significantly differed from the others, except for Salacca and Calamus. Moreover,
a high genetic identity of E. conferta subgroups Kan-Thu-Le (KL), Chaiburee (CB), Songkhla (SK),
and Narathiwat (NW) was observed (Fst 0.0386-0.1239), indicating similar genetic backgrounds. The
genetic differentiation agreed with the genetic distance, which showed that the E. conferta populations
are closely related and clearly differ from Salacca and Calamus populations. Neighbor-joining cluster
analysis divided the population into three 3 groups; group I (KL and CB) and group II (SK and NW)
belong to E. conferta based on their geographical origin at the upper and the lower southern peninsular
Thailand, respectively, and group III consisted of Salacca and Calamus. Furthermore, a phylogenetic
tree confirmed the close genetic relationship of E. conferta and Salacca. The less informative marker
system used in this study indicated a low level of genetic diversity in E. conferta, but the population
structure analysis tended to group them by geographic origin. Our findings contribute to the protection
of plant germplasm of E. conferta for future conservation.
Start & End Page 
1172 - 1182
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Full Text 
genetic diversity, Eleiodoxa conferta (Griff.) Burr., simple sequence repeats, SSR markers
Vol.47 No.6 (November 2020)
Jakpim K., Nilwichian P., Suraninpong P. and Kanjanasopa* D., Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Swamp Forest Eleiodoxa conferta (Griff.) Burr. Based on Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs), Chiang Mai Journal of Science, 2020; 47(6): 1172-1182.
View:1,108 Download:380


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