e-Journal Chiang Mai Journal of Science, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University

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A Selective Zeolitization of Perlite via Modified Fusion Technique

Paper Type 
Contributed Paper
A Selective Zeolitization of Perlite via Modified Fusion Technique
Apinpus Rujiwatra* and Chadchai Narawisut
 The preparation of commercially valuable zeolitic material of faujasite type (FAU) from the reaction of perlite and sodium hydroxide employing modified fusion technique is reported. The starting material was fused with sodium hydroxide at 550 °C for 60 minutes prior to the reaction in aqueous media under autogeneous pressure at low temperature of 70 °C. This always led to the formation of faujasite type zeolite as the only crystalline product under the conditions investigated; perlite:NaOH (by weight) 1:1 - 1:1.2, solid:liquid (by weight) 1:5 - 1:7 and reaction time 7 - 21 days. The amount of exchangeable Na+ ion occluded in the zeolitized perlite suggest the material to be potential as a cation exchanger.
Start & End Page 
27 - 33
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minerals, X-ray diffraction, zeolitization, zeolite, faujasite
Vol.31 No.1 (JANUARY 2004)
Rujiwatra* A. and Narawisut C., A Selective Zeolitization of Perlite via Modified Fusion Technique, Chiang Mai Journal of Science, 2004; 31(1): 27-33.
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Hydrothermal Synthesis of Zeolite X from Bituminous Fly Ash and Its Characterization
Article ID: e2023049
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Preparation and Evaluation of Ethylene Absorbers from Zeolite A/KMnO4 Composite for Monitoring of Silk Banana (Musa sapientum L.) Ripening
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Comparison of Catalytic Activity of Copper Nanostructures in Friedel-crafts Type Condensation Reactions
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Characterization of NiO–α-MoO3 Composites Synthesized by Microwave Plasma
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Synthesis and Use of Zeolite Na-A from Waste Sludge of Water Treatment Plant for Ammonium Removal
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SUZ-4 Zeolite Synthesis Derived from Rice Husk Ash
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Effects of Al2O3 Nano-Particulates Addition on Barium Titanate Ceramics
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The Effect of Surfactant Concentration on the Interlayer Structure of Organoclay
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Preparation of Carbon Nanotubes by Catalytic Decomposition of Alcohol at Low Pressure
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Crystallization and Analysis of Perovskite Crystals in Ferroelectric-based Glasses
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Chiang Mai Journal of Science

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