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Multi-sources Silmultanieous Communication in the Wireless Mobility Model is NP-complete

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Contributed Paper
Multi-sources Silmultanieous Communication in the Wireless Mobility Model is NP-complete
Pattama Longani [a], Nopadon Juneam [b], Sanpawat Kantabutra*[c]
 In this article we consider a mobility model M = (S, D, U, L, R, V, C, O), where S is a set of sources, D a set of directions, U a set of users, L a set of user movements, R a set of source movements,  V a set of velocities of sources, C a set of source coverages, and o a set of obstacles. Particularly, we study a problem called Multi-Sources Simultaneous Communication Problem (MSSCP) in this model. This problem is stated as follows: given a mobility model M = (S, D, U, L, R, V, C, O), k pairs of distinct sources {s1, s'1}, {s2, s'2},..., {sk, s'k}, and a time t e N, can all k pairs of sources simultaneously communicate throughout the duration t of the model without sharing a source? We show that the complexity of this problem is at least as hard as the One-In-Three 3-Satisfiability unless P=NP. In addition, we also give an exact algorithm and a heuristic one for MSSCP and show that if the communication among sources in MSSCP can be represented by a complete bipartite graph, Km,n, then MSSCP can be solved in polynomial time.

Start & End Page 
1205 - 1221
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Full Text 
wireless mobility networks, NP-completeness, intractability, bipartite
Vol.43 No.5 (OCTOBER 2016)
[a] P.L., [b] N.J. and Kantabutra*[c] S., Multi-sources Silmultanieous Communication in the Wireless Mobility Model is NP-complete, Chiang Mai Journal of Science, 2016; 43(5): 1205-1221.
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Chiang Mai Journal of Science

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