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Comparison and Analysis of Remote Sensing-based and Ground-based Precipitation Data Over India

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Contributed Paper
Comparison and Analysis of Remote Sensing-based and Ground-based Precipitation Data Over India
Thitikon Chanyatham and Sukrit Kirtsaeng

Accurate  estimation  of  precipitation  is  crucial  for  yield  assessment, flood  and  drought  monitoring  and  water  resources  management. Rainfall  consists  of  both  temporal  and  spatial  variability. Rain  gauges  support  temporal  resolution, on  the  other  hand  it  is  weakness  in  the  quality  of  spatial  resolution. However, remote  sensing  provides  good  spatial  resolution. According  to  the  advantages  of  these  measurement  methods, more  precious  rainfall  data  should  be  estimated  from  the  combination  of  existent  rain  gauges  and  remote  sensing  observation. The  pilot  project  is  comparative  study  and  analysis  gridded  rainfall  products  of Tropical  Rainfall  Measuring  Mission  (TRMM)  3B43  monthly, 3B42 3-hourly, Climate  Prediction  Center  (CPC)  and  India  Meteorological  Department  (IMD). The  study  areas  are  India  region  and  Ganga  basin, located  in  north-eastern  of  India. The  methodology  of  comparison  is  carried  out  the  gridded  data  sets  to  0.5x0.5  degree. The  rainfall  data  sets  in  2005  were  analyzed  for  all  monthly  products  and rainfall data  sets  during  15  June  to  15  September  2005  were  analyzed  for  daily  products. In  the  analysis, three statistical m measures  are  used:  bias,  root  mean  square  difference  and  mean absolute  difference  for  over  India, each  state  of  India. TRMM  3B42  and  3B43  products  have  higher  bias, RMSD  and  MAD  than  CPC  products. The  accuracy  of  CPC, TRMM  3B43  monthly  products  and  TRMM 3B42  3-hourly  products  are  83%, 76%  and  69%  respectively. States  analysis  show  high  bias  of CPC, TRMM 3B42  and 3B43  products  in  Arunachal  Pradesh  and  Mizoram  that  located  in  hilly  area  and  have  high  rainfall  rate. The  rainfall  estimated  by  remote  sensing  show  lower  rain  rate  ground-based  data  that  may  be  the  effect  of  temporal  resolution  of  satellites, in  monsoon  season  this  effect  is  predominant. 

Start & End Page 
541 - 550
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TRMM rainfall, CPC rainfall, remote sensing-based preciptation
Vol.38 No.4 (OCTOBER 2011)
Chanyatham T. and Kirtsaeng S., Comparison and Analysis of Remote Sensing-based and Ground-based Precipitation Data Over India, Chiang Mai Journal of Science, 2011; 38(4): 541-550.
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