e-Journal Chiang Mai Journal of Science, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University

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Phonon Dragging at Low Temperatures for the Transport Coefficients of Transition Metals

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Phonon Dragging at Low Temperatures for the Transport Coefficients of Transition Metals
S.K. Srivastava [a] and J.B. Anjane[b]
The role of phonon dragging at low temperatures have been included in the computer simulation of the electrical resistivities and the thermoelectric powers of transition metals. We come across with some of the new findings: The phonon drag resistivity r g in the temperature region 1K£ T£ 5K follows power law rg µ T5, while exponential decaying trend rg = (1/T)exp(-bg/T) above the temperature T=5K. We propose a new relation L = (mVFT/ne2Z) exp(b/T) between phonon mean free path L and temperature T, which has been tested and found justified. Our new findings are also in case of phonon drag thermoelectric power Qg for which a strong power law QT3 is observed above to the temperature of Phonon dragging region, while in the phonon dragging region an exponential behaviour Qg = (1/T)[kg exp(-bg/T)]1/2 is found justified. The study concludes that after the characteristic temperature T=5K the phonons can participate in Umklopp process and they are frozen from Bose-Einstein distribution.
Start & End Page 
51 - 58
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Full Text 
phonon-electron interaction, electrical conduction, transition metals, phonon dragging behaviour, electronic transport coefficients, phononic transport coefficients
Vol.28 No.1 (JUNE 2001)
[a] S.S. and Anjane[b] J., Phonon Dragging at Low Temperatures for the Transport Coefficients of Transition Metals, Chiang Mai Journal of Science, 2001; 28(1): 51-58.
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Theoretical Study of Sulfur-containing Compounds Adsorption on Transition Metals (V, Ni, Co, Fe) Doped NbS2 Surface for Hydrodesulfurization Reaction
page: 195 - 206
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Chiang Mai Journal of Science

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