e-Journal Chiang Mai Journal of Science, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University

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Zinc Hydroxystannate and Zinc Stannate Prepared from Mineral Cassiterite and Tehir Fire Retarding Effect on Some Polymers

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Contributed Paper
Zinc Hydroxystannate and Zinc Stannate Prepared from Mineral Cassiterite and Tehir Fire Retarding Effect on Some Polymers
Vichitr Rattanaphani*, Saowanee Rattanaphani and Annop Chinsuttiprapa
 Zinc hydroxystannate was prepared by the reaction of stannic chloride and hydrochloric acid to yield stannic oxide which was later fused with sodium hydroxide. The fused product was dissovled in hot water and then zinc chloride solution added to precipitate zinc hydroxystannate. Zinc stannate was prepared by the reaction of stannic chloride solution with sodium hydroxide solution. Zinc chloride solution was then added to precipitate zinc stannate. Zinc hydroxystannate and zinc stannate were also directly prepared from the mineral cassiterrite. The cassiterrite was fused with sodium hydroxide solid and the fused product dissolved in hot water and purified. Zinc chloride solution was added to form zinc hydrostannate. Zinc stannate was synthesised by directly heating zinc hydroxystannate to remove water molecules. The prepared samples were white solids insoluble in water. The percentage yield of the preparations were 83.71 for zinc hydrozystannate and 99.81 for zinc stannate. The influences of zinc hydrozystannate, zinc stannate and antimony trioxide on flame retardant properties in low density polyethylene, polypropylene and polyvinylchloride were studied. It was found that flammability decreased by adding zinc hydroxystannate at almost every pphr value compared with no addition, while adding zinc stannate had no effect on flammability.
Start & End Page 
133 - 137
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fire retarding substances, zinc hydroxystannate, zinc stannate
Vol.30 No.2 (AUGUST 2003)
Rattanaphani* V., Rattanaphani S. and Chinsuttiprapa A., Zinc Hydroxystannate and Zinc Stannate Prepared from Mineral Cassiterite and Tehir Fire Retarding Effect on Some Polymers, Chiang Mai Journal of Science, 2003; 30(2): 133-137.
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Chiang Mai Journal of Science

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