e-Journal Chiang Mai Journal of Science, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University

Journal Volumes


and Author: Chatsuda Phuakjaiphaeo       (Result: 1 Manuscripts)
Development of Colorimetric Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP) Technique for Rapid, Sensitive and Convenient Detection of Chrysanthemum Chlorotic Mottle Viroid (CChMVd) in Chrysanthemum
page: 1296 - 1306
Author: Salit Supakitthanakorn, Karnjana Vichittragoontavorn, Kaewalin Kunasakdakul, Nilita Mukjang, Chatsuda Phuakjaiphaeo and On-Uma Ruangwong
Vol.49 No.5 (September 2022) View: 1,551 Download:490

Chiang Mai Journal of Science

Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University
239 Huaykaew Road, Tumbol Suthep, Amphur Muang, Chiang Mai 50200 THAILAND
Tel: +6653-943-467

Faculty of Science,
Chiang Mai University


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